Gwan-woo-sang, a 57-meter man made with a blood tax of 28.4 billion, how much will it cost to clear?

Criticism of wasting blood money

Chinese Guan Yu bronze statue raised over controversy over wasting blood taxes./Captured by the Global Times

The Chinese government was again contemplating the relocation of the 57-meter-long Guan Yu bronze statue on the cutting board as a representative blood tax waste business.

As the cost of the relocation of the statue of Guan Yu amounted to 155 million yuan (25.9 billion won), public opinion is rising over this.

According to the state-run Global Times on the 31st, the city of Jingzhou, Hubei Province, decided to relocate it after discussion last month when related ministries investigated the bronze statue of Guan Yu and notified of the correction.

Earlier, the Chinese authorities demanded a correction of the Guan Yu statue last month under the judgment that the local government’s debt is rapidly increasing due to the wartime project, and the reckless construction of mega-tourism buildings is removing the regional characteristics.

The Chinese authorities pointed out that the height of the Guan Yu statue violated the relevant regulations and that it “damaged the appearance and historical value of the castle.”

Guan Yu bronze statue in Jingzhou, Hubei Province./Baidu capture

Jingzhou City is one of the main stages of the Three Kingdoms, where fierce fighting took place during the Three Kingdoms era in China.

For this reason, the city of Jingzhou attracted the attention of people around the world by setting up the Guan Yu statue, the world’s largest bronze statue, built in the name of commemorating Guan Yu, the hero of the Three Kingdoms.

However, the statue was so large that it overwhelmed all the scenery of Jingzhou City and accused him of damaging the city’s beauty.

Eventually, it was decided to do the relocation from January next year, but the astronomical relocation cost emerged as another concern. The cost of the relocation is known to be close to 170 million yuan (28.4 billion won), which was incurred at the time of the construction of the Guan Yu statue.

To move this 1,200 ton statue to the Guanyu ruins 8 km away, the site needs to be dismantled, renovated, created a new site, and landscaping. .
/ Reporter Park Woo-in [email protected]

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