Gwak Jin-young threatened man A, claimed, “The victim was I, the victim, who gave financial assistance for 4 years, but was threatened and abused”

[스포츠서울 박효실기자] Mr. A, who is known to have made threats and malicious comments to actor Gwak Jin-young, who was surprised by extreme attempts at the end of last year, refuted Kwak Jin-young’s claim.

Rather, he emphasized the position of being a’victim’, saying that he was sued for special threats after being subjected to violence and threats by the Kwak Jin-young family.

EDaily drew attention by revealing an interview with Mr. A on the 8th. Mr. A, who introduced himself as a long-time acquaintance of Kwak Jin-young, said, “The Kwak Jin-young side calls me a stalker and claims that I have been suffering from constant threats and malicious comments since 4 years ago. This is not true at all. Rather, I am the victim of this incident.” Insisted.

Mr. A claimed that he had been providing financial help to Gwak Jin-young for the past four years, and that he was close enough to have video calls with Gwak Jin-young without hesitation until last September.

He argued, “There were several emotional fights related to the money and contact issues due to Kwak Jin-young’s reasons. I just wanted Kwak Jin-young’s sincere apology, but what came back, rather than apologize, was the violence and threats of the Kwak Jin-young family.”

Earlier, on December 30 last year, news that Gwak Jin-young made an extreme choice in Yeosu, Jeollanam-do, where he was carrying out a kimchi business, and was taken to the emergency room. Fortunately, he found consciousness the next day, but he was known to be in critical condition. He said he would take legal action against the man in question, Mr. A.

Mr. A said that he had sued Gwak Jin-young’s family on special threats. Insisted.

“I hoped for an apology, but it was a defamation complaint that came back. I am currently undergoing psychiatric treatment because of this mental pain.”

Kwak Jin-young’s side sued Mr. A for defamation in connection with the malicious comment. Regarding the malicious comment, Mr. A insisted, “When Kwak Jin-young did not respond to any contact, he left a few protesting messages in frustration.”

Meanwhile, Kwak Jin-young is known to have said, “It is not true at all. As an entertainer, it is an act to drive the victim, Gwak Jin-young as an offender, by abusing the social status and legal system.”

“Not only Kwak Jin-young and Kwak Jin-young’s family, but also Kwak Jin-young’s kimchi company and product sellers are complaining of pain from Mr. A’s false allegations and persistent contact. “Kwak Jin-young also knows all this and avoids public in the aftermath. He also claimed that he is suffering from mental pain.

Meanwhile, Kwak Jin-young appeared as the youngest daughter in the MBC drama’Son and Daughter’, gaining great popularity, and later confessed that he had a hard time with plastic surgery after undergoing plastic surgery to transform his image.

In recent years, SBS’s’Burning Youth’ and other entertainment shows were bright, so the sudden news was a surprise.

[email protected]

Photo Source|SBS’ Burning Youth’
