Gunpo City Starts Vaccination for Corona 19… 204 people including nursing hospital workers

Park Eun-hae (right), a worker at the Sanbon Sacred Heart Care Hospital, who is the 1st inoculation in Gunpo City, is receiving the Corona 19 vaccine injection on the 2nd. /Photo provided = Gunpo City

Gunpo City announced on the 2nd that it has started the first vaccination of the Corona 19 vaccine.

It has been almost a year since March 5, last year when the first confirmed case in Gunpo City occurred.

The first day vaccination was administered to 204 priority vaccination targets in all five facilities, including workers in four nursing hospitals, including Sanbon Sacred Heart Nursing Hospital and Gross Nursing Hospital, and residents and employees of Gain Nursing Home. They were given the AstraZeneca vaccine.

Gunpo City No. 1 inoculation is Park Eun-hae, a worker at Sanbon Sacred Heart Care Hospital.

Mr. Park said, “I didn’t feel any difference from the flu vaccine. I was vaccinated in hopes that Corona 19 would end soon. I hope that the citizens of Gunpo will join the vaccination without fear.”

The city of Gunpo is closely monitoring the vaccination situation and is thoroughly prepared by linking with 119 and emergency medical institutions with the emergency in mind.

Gunpo Mayor Han Dae-hee said, “To overcome Corona 19 and to form a collective immunity that can restore normal life, citizens who are eligible for vaccination should be vaccinated with peace of mind.”

In particular, the city placed an emergency response team on standby to respond immediately in the event of an adverse reaction such as anaphylaxis.

By the end of this month, Gunpo City is expected to complete the first vaccination for 2,300 residents and workers under the age of 65 in high-risk facilities such as nursing hospitals, nursing facilities, high-risk medical institutions, and corona 19 first responders.

/ Reporter Yoon Jong-yeol [email protected]

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