Gumi 3-year-old girl’s mother and daughter also cheated “The second resembles the first”

Seok-mo (48), the mother of a 3-year-old Gumi girl. [사진출처 = 연합뉴스]

picture explanationSeok-mo (48), the mother of a 3-year-old Gumi girl. [사진출처 = 연합뉴스]

A police officer investigating the death of a 3-year-old girl who died after being left alone in a villa in Gumi, Gyeongsangbuk-do has confirmed the circumstances in which her mother, Seok-mo, 48, cheated her daughter, Kim-mo, 22.

As a result of the police checking the text messages exchanged between the two mothers and daughters, Seok replaced her daughter with the daughter of Kim, but it seems that Kim was unaware of this fact at all.

According to the Gumi Police Station on the 25th, in October of last year, Seok sent a text message to Kim saying, “Except for the eyebrows, the second resembles the first.”

The second is a child born between Kim’s husband who remarried after breaking up with his ex, and the first is a girl who died.

The time when the mother and daughter exchanged text messages was when Kim, who lived with a dead girl, left the child in a villa and lived in the house of her husband, who remarried. It is known that Kim moved in August of last year, leaving her child alone.

As a result of this, Suk’s statement, who initially stated, “I didn’t know that I had a child alone on the upper floor after cutting off contact with my mother and daughter,” is also more likely to be false. The dead girl was found on the upper floor of the villa where Suk lived.

The police believe that Seok continued to make false statements in order to cover up the case, as Seok frequently exchanged text messages with Kim. The police also confiscated and searched the computer used by Mr. Suk three years ago, and as a result of digital forensic work, they also confirmed that they searched for’self-birth’.

The police are currently investing more than 50 investigative personnel and are concentrating their investigative power to find data to prove the birth of Seok, the existence of his father, and the whereabouts of the missing girl.

[구미 = 우성덕 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
