Groomed by Marilyn Manson… Ex-lover Evan Rachel Wood Revealed

Marilyn Manson Ex-lover Evan Rachel Wood
Disclosure on Instagram
“It was Marilyn Manson who abused me and groomed me.”

Marilyn Manson and Evan Rachel Wood / Photo = Instagram

Marilyn Manson and Evan Rachel Wood / Photo = Instagram

Hollywood actor Evan Rachel Wood, 34, revealed that she was sexually assaulted by her ex-lover, singer Marilyn Manson (real name Brian Winner, 52).

Evan Rachel Wood wrote on his Instagram on the 1st (local time), saying, “The person who abused me was Brian Winner,” and “I was known to the world under the name Marilyn Manson.”

“(Marilyn Manson) started grooming when I was a teenager and was terribly abused for years,” he argued. “I was brainwashed into submission and lived in fear of retaliation and intimidation.” Grooming is the act of establishing trust and dominance to exploit or violate sex.

Evan Rachel Wood continued, “To reveal that Manson is a dangerous person before ruining the lives of more people,” he said. “I will join many victims who will no longer be silent.”

Evan Rachel Wood's Revelation

Evan Rachel Wood’s Revelation

As the controversy grew, Marilyn Manson explained to her social media that “the arguments related to me are terribly distorted,” and that “it stems entirely from agreements with like-minded partners.”

Marilyn Manson and Evan Rachel Wood developed into a romantic relationship in 2007. Wood was 19 at the time. The two were engaged in 2010, but broke up in less than a year.

Marilyn Manson is known to have made 158 calls a day after breaking up with Wood. In another interview, he said, “I have an illusion of smashing his skull with a hammer,” and speculation that he had a sadistic sexual orientation.

Marilyn Manson explanation

Marilyn Manson explanation

Marilyn Manson, born in 1969, debuted as a five-member band in 1989 and worked for a long time as the godfather image of Shock Rock. It is also a large band that has sold more than 50 million albums around the world, but it was also praised for its stimulating concept.

Evan Rachel Wood was born in the United States in 1987 and received attention in the 2003 movie’The 13-year-old Uprising’. He has appeared in the movies’Kingmaker’,’Charlie Countryman’,’Simon’, and the HBO drama’Westworld’.

Yerang Kim, reporter of [email protected]
Article reporting and press release [email protected]

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