Greenhouse Gas Reduction’Limited Annual Coal Power Generation’

Rep. Jang-seop Lee also prepares a policy to support electricity companies with limited power generation

[에너지데일리 송병훈 기자] A partial amendment to the Electricity Business Act was proposed to the National Assembly, limiting the annual power generation produced by coal generators. In particular, it is expected that changes in the power market and power system operation system are expected to continue, as it includes support measures for electricity business owners who are limited in power generation due to the realization of the significant public benefit of achieving the goal of GHG reduction.

Representative Lee Jang-seop (Democratic Party, Seowon-gu, Cheongju) of the National Assembly Industry, Trade and Energy Small and Medium Venture Business Committee (Democratic Party, Seowon-gu, Cheongju) said on the 30th, “We have proposed a partial revised bill of the Electricity Business Act with such contents as the main point. It is expected to be an important opportunity for achieving the national GHG reduction target and realizing the ‘2050 carbon neutral era’.”

According to Congressman Lee, in relation to the national GHG reduction target, the conversion sector accounts for about 40% of the total GHG emissions, of which GHG emissions from coal generators account for more than 70%. It is pointed out that in order to achieve ‘2050 carbon neutrality’ and the national greenhouse gas reduction target, it is essential to reduce the amount of power generated by coal generators, the main source of greenhouse gas emissions.

Congressman Lee said, “Like the UK and Germany, which are implementing coal power reduction to reduce greenhouse gas, the government needs to make an active policy change to reduce coal power generation.” Accordingly, it is explained that the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy has representatively proposed a partial amendment to the Electricity Business Act, which establishes a legal basis for limiting a portion of the annual power generation produced by coal power generators as prescribed by Presidential Decree.

In addition, the revised bill includes the provision of support policies for electric businesses that are limited in power generation due to the realization of the significant public interest of achieving the national GHG reduction target, and it is expected that changes will continue in the power market and power system operation system in the future. .

Rep. Lee Jang-seop said, “By diversifying the emission trading system as well as the GHG reduction system, we will improve the accuracy of achieving the national GHG reduction target and reduce the burden on the industry and the public by reducing the volatility of emission permit prices. I’m looking forward to it.”

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