Grandma Lee Yong-soo “Comfort women issue, please go to the International Court of Justice”

Japan tells Harvard professor to lie

Both countries have to take responsibility and go with ICJ

Grandma Lee Yong-soo, a victim of Japanese military comfort women, held a press conference at the press center in Jung-gu, Seoul on the 16th and eagerly asked for the issue of comfort women to be referred to the International Court of Justice. /yunhap news

“I am desperate. There is no time now. My last wish is to ask for a judgment under international law.”

Lee Yong-soo, 93, a Japanese military comfort woman victim, appealed with tears to President Moon Jae-in and the people to refer the comfort women issue to the International Court of Justice (ICJ).

Lee, who served as the representative of the’Comfort Women Issue of the Japanese Military ICJ Commission Promotion Committee’, held a press conference at the Seoul Press Center on the 16th and said, “Please let our government come to judge Japan’s comfort women issue through international law.”

The ICJ is the main judicial body of the United Nations as defined in the Charter of the United Nations, and its member states, including Korea and Japan, are obligated to follow the ICJ’s decision.

Grandma Lee said, “Wouldn’t the two countries have to take this responsibility and go to the International Court to do a complete solution and get along with each other without becoming an enemy. “How long will we just growl like this?” He said, “I have to get a judgment, make a complete solution, and get along well.”

Lee’s appeal seems to have come from a recent controversy over a dissertation on comfort women by Mark Ramsayer, a Harvard Law School professor. Prof. Ramzier’s dissertation was excommunicated by posting “comfort women as certified prostitutes, not sex slaves.”

He said, “(Japan) is claiming that our court violated international law with a red claim. Even now, in the United States, I have a Harvard professor to lie,” he said. “You should not ask for money, but get full recognition and apology.”

He cried occasionally while reading the entrance statement he had prepared for about 20 minutes. At the point of requesting the ICJ complaint to President Moon directly, he got up from his seat and bowed to greet him and wept while stealing his face with a handkerchief.

The press conference was attended by Seo Hyuk-soo, the representative of the Citizens’ Meeting with Grandmother Seo Hyuk-soo, who formed the promotion committee with Lee, Hyun-jung Kim, the representative of the Comfort Women’s Action for Compensation and Education and Dr. Dr. Shin explained that if the comfort women issue is referred to the ICJ, the comfort women grandmother is likely to win.

Lee ended the press conference saying, “How do I see the faces of the grandmothers when I go (in death)?” and “Please let me meet President Moon Jae-in in person.”

Lee will also attend an online seminar hosted by the Harvard University Asia Pacific Law School Student Council on the 17th. The seminar was organized by Harvard Law School students to refute Professor Ramsey’s thesis. This grandmother is going to testify of her victimization through a seminar.

/ Kang Dong-heon [email protected], Reporter Han Dong-hun [email protected]

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