Government autonomous vehicle private experts recruited one after another… Intensive nurturing

Gil-Won Seo, Head of Hyundai Motor Company, Head of Future Vehicle Division, Ministry of Industry
Jinwoo Choi, former executive director of Hyundai Motor Company

The government has successively recruited private experts to foster the future car industry such as autonomous vehicles.

The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy announced on the 2nd that it has decided to appoint Seo Gil-won (40) as the head of the newly established Future Automobile Industry Division, the parking development part manager of the autonomous parking design team of Hyundai Motors Autonomous Driving Division.

Part-head Seo was finally selected through the’Open Career Position Open Recruitment’ hosted by the Ministry of Human Resources Development and is scheduled to be officially appointed on the 8th.

The Future Automobile Industry Division was established last year by the Ministry of Industry to strengthen the competitiveness of the future automobile industry.

Among the tasks previously undertaken by the Automotive and Aviation Department, the tasks of future vehicles such as autonomous vehicles will be separated and dedicated.

Specifically, it is in charge of tasks such as technology development and commercialization in the future vehicle field, promotion of distribution, creation of industrial infrastructure, convergence and integration of related industries, and response to global regulations.

The open position is a system introduced in 2000 by the Ministry of Human Resources Development to appoint the best person through open competition between inside and outside public offices in order to enhance the professionalism and competitiveness of public offices.

In general, positions that are more suitable for the outside and have a rich talent pool are designated due to the nature of the job, and among them, open-career positions can only be hired by private experts.

More than 50 people from various fields, including private, public institutions, research institutes, and universities, applied for the competition for the head of the future automobile industry, and the head of the part was selected with the highest evaluation in terms of expertise and innovation, the Ministry of Industry said.

Part Manager Seo holds a number of patents (10 representative inventions, 16 joint inventions) related to autonomous driving development.

In July of last year, it received the IR52 Jang Young-sil Award for’Remote Smart Parking Assistance System Development and Commercialization’.

Industry Minister Sung Yun-mo said, “By recruiting the best experts related to autonomous driving to the public office, we have a system that can quickly respond to changes in the global market,” and said, “We will try to foster more ambitious future food by strengthening public-private cooperation.” .

The government recruits private experts for autonomous vehicles one after another...

In addition, the government appointed Choi Jin-woo, former head of the Hyundai Motor Group Small PM Center (Executive Vice President) as the head of the’Autonomous Driving Technology Development Innovation Project Group’ (hereinafter referred to as the Autonomous Driving Project Group) on the 1st.

The autonomous driving project group, which is a foundation form, will lead the autonomous driving project of 1 trillion won worth of ministries jointly promoted by four ministries including the Ministry of Industry, Science and Technology, Information and Communication, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, and the National Police Agency.

Earlier, the government announced that it will push forward 84 projects in five areas, including vehicles, transportation, and services, with a total project cost of KRW 1.97 trillion with the aim of commercializing level 4 of autonomous driving in 2027.

The term of office of the project manager is three years, and depending on the evaluation, it is possible to serve consecutively in units of two years.

/yunhap news
