Good Shepherd Church, recently started online church: Church General: Kigermanbo

Good Shepherd Online Church

Good Shepherd Church recently started an online church. © Good Shepherd Online Church YouTube capture

Good Shepherd Church (President Pastor Yoo Sung) recently started an online church. According to the Good Shepherd Church, if the existing church mainly focused on offline meetings and online meetings were incidental, the online church platform starting this time is mainly online meetings, and offline meetings are optional. If you go through the registration process and access the site, you can participate in real-time online worship.

An official from the Good Shepherd Church said, “Online church is based on offline meetings, so you don’t receive online services, but based on online meetings, you also have offline meetings when needed.” All. It is a church that cherishes the next generation of media generations and serves them together.”

“The online church is open to everyone. People who want to attend church but have difficulty attending local churches due to physical environment or various circumstances can go to church online. “Some people have difficulty attending church on Sundays because of their lifestyle. People who want to maintain their religious life online, such as online worship and education, can participate. It would be nice if someone interested in making the online world the kingdom of God comes.”

Online Good Shepherd Church can make requests for intercession, real-time counseling, and intercession between members at any time through online. Small groups can be organized according to common interests, and Bible study and discipleship training can be received through various online platforms. Counseling and intercession requests are also available through online churches.

The Good Shepherd Church side said, “We believe in the online world as the end of the earth sent by the Lord, and aim to deliver the gospel of life through creative media contents.” I will go out.”

Pastor Yoo Sung said, “People who have been unable to join the local church for a variety of reasons can join the church community wherever you are in the world and whatever your circumstances. We look forward to active participation.”

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