Goo Hye-sun “I received an astronomical copyright fee thanks to the song I made in middle 2”

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Goo Hye-sun “I received an astronomical copyright fee thanks to the song I made in middle 2”

(Seoul = News 1) Reporter Minji Kim |
2021-01-05 08:56 sent

Actress Goo Hye-sun © News1

Actor Goo Hye-seon said that he made astronomical money from past music.

On the 5th, Goo Hye-seon uploaded a capturing of the related video to his social network service (SNS) with a post saying, “The twelfth performance video’rain’ has been uploaded to the YouTube channel’studio Koohyesun’.”

Goo Hye-seon said, “This song was made with 2 middle bottles when I was in the 2nd year of middle school, and a few years ago, it won the 1st place in China’s largest music site, QQ Music, and received an astronomical number of copyright fees.” It’s also a song that reminds me that all’gaming’ is precious. Thanks to me, I keep making music.”

Meanwhile, Goo Hye-sun recently revealed the latest through Kakao TV’s’Face ID’, and Goo Hye-sun, a YouTube channel studio, is also running.

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