“Go to school with bruise” The Boyz Sunwoo, exposing past dating violence and sexual harassment-Reporter Han Suji

[한수지 기자] While the entertainment industry is suffering from a series of school violence exposure, this time, a popular idol member’s suspicion of dating violence was published.

On the 22nd, a revelation post was posted in an online community stating, “The Boyz Seonwoo wants to stop seeing more now.”

Mr. A, who wrote the revelation, said, “Seonwoo, you’re the esque controversy, you’re right. Why do you make a ridiculous explanation that your friend did it?”

Seonwoo / Top Star News HD Photo Bank, Daum Cafe'Jung Bang'
Seonwoo / Top Star News HD Photo Bank, Daum Cafe’Jung Bang’

He said, “All those who came out of the same middle school know,” he claimed, and insisted that he applied dating violence to his girlfriend who had sex and paddling at school and dating when he was in the first grade of middle school.

Mr. A said, “(Sunwoo’s girlfriend) went to school with bruises.” I wrote.

He also claimed to have been obscene, liquor, and tobacco, and added, “You smoke at school, date violence, and sexual harassment and sexual violence against us will not disappear.”

In the past, THE BOYZ member Seonwoo (real name Kim Seon-woo) responded to the question, “What is the secret to always losing motivation?” in an anonymous Q&A-type social network service ASK It has been controversial. In addition, in July last year, an apology was posted after being caught smoking in a non-smoking area.
