“Global vaccine population immunity is only possible in the middle of next year”

It is predicted that securing global population immunity through coronavirus vaccination will be possible only in the middle of 2022. This is because the imbalance in supply and the enormous cost of vaccination due to vaccination stocking in some high-income countries will slow vaccination in low-income countries.

UK Economic Analysis Agency EIU Outlook
“At the time of completion of vaccination in 70% of the world countries”

“The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU),” an economic analysis agency in the UK, said in a report on “Corona 19 Vaccine: Expected Delay” on the 21st (local time), “In mid-2022, when 60-70% of countries around the world complete extensive vaccination, The effect will begin to appear.” According to this, the European Union (EU) such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany and France were selected as the first countries to complete vaccination. They are expected to complete the vaccination of priority groups such as the elderly, patients with underlying diseases, and medical staff by the end of March and at least June of this year.

EIU predicts that the US will be able to realize its presidential election pledge to hit 100 million people within 100 days of inauguration by accelerating vaccinations since the inauguration of the Joe Biden administration. As the vaccination rate in high-income countries accelerates, the world economy is expected to return to recovery in the third and fourth quarters of this year.

The EIU predicted that Russia, Brazil, Mexico, Korea, Japan, and Australia would complete the vaccination by mid-2022.

According to EIU, high-income countries pre-order half of the 12.5 billion batches expected to be produced this year by major vaccine suppliers, delaying vaccine acquisition and vaccination in countries that belatedly purchased.

Reporter Lee Min-jung [email protected]
