Global Corona Vaccination Overtakes Confirmation… Urgently’Equal Distribution’

On the 4th, at a school in Medina, Ohio, a local resident is getting a Corona 19 vaccine shot from a Wha. Medina=UPI Yonhap News

The number of people vaccinated against the new coronavirus infection (Corona 19) around the world has exceeded the cumulative number of corona19 infections. However, it seems clear that vaccination is concentrated in some countries such as advanced countries, and it is clear to say the hope of an end to the infectious disease.

According to World O Meter, a real-time international statistics site on the 4th (local time), as of this day, the Corona 19 vaccine has been vaccinated at 1734 million doses in more than 70 countries, exceeding the global cumulative number of confirmed cases (15.15 million).

The country with the highest vaccination rate to the population was Israel, with 6,140 per 100,000, UAE (36,040), Seychelles Islands (31,380), Britain (15,500), Bahrain (1,290), U.S. 1 130,000 and so on. Although the vaccine supply is disrupting, the EU member states also had relatively high numbers of vaccinations, including Denmark (5,000), Spain (3,770), and Italy (3,690). The overall EU average is 3,220 per 100,000. In Asia, Singapore was the largest with 3,090, followed by China with 1,670.

However, considering the fact that there are more than 200 countries in which Corona 19 has occurred, only a third of the countries vaccinated are, so even distribution of the vaccine seems urgent. ‘CoVax Facility’, a project for joint purchase and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines that the World Health Organization (WHO) participated in, delivered approximately 375 million doses of vaccines from AstraZeneca, Oxford, Pfizer and Bioentech to 145 countries in the first half of the previous day. He said it was a plan. South Korea receives 2.7 million servings, and North Korea receives about 2 million servings.

Isaac Kim reporter

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