“Give me me, let’s season it and boil it” in a dog bite accident.

SNS comments that ridicule dog bites

picture explanationSNS comments that ridicule dog bites

`If ​​you are not dead, please send it to me. I will boil it and eat it by making the seasoning delicious.`

Seomo, 29, who recently asked for help from social network service (SNS), was even more shocked when his companion animal Kunza (Maltese, 1 year old) was bitten by a large dog at a dog kindergarten.

This is because a netizen wrote a comment to him who asked for help through social media because he could not find a similar case.

It wasn’t just this. The video was uploaded in the hope that the second Kunza would not occur after reporting the damage, but there was a netizen who was sarcastic, saying, “Sending a dog to kindergarten is not allowed, what else am I?”

This netizen said, “What is it like a guardian who is bitten by not doing the duty of protection… They accused him of being people who don’t deserve to raise dogs.

In response, Seo said, “I do social media that I didn’t usually do after the accident, and I’m confused about each comment and see if there’s anything helpful, but malicious comments make it harder.”

Kunza full of swelling in the skull right after the accident

picture explanationKunza full of swelling in the skull right after the accident

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Seo’s dog, Kunza, was bitten by a large dog Labrador Doul (a dog that crossed a Labrador retriever and a poodle) at a dog kindergarten in Gangwon-do on the 5th and was seriously injured.

Seo, who left Kunza on his way to work in the morning, heard the news in just 30 minutes.

Kunza, whose breathing stopped, his tongue was rolled in, and his body stiffened, was taken to a hospital while undergoing CPR, and as a result of the diagnosis, he was diagnosed with a skull fracture, cervical spine injury, and cerebral hemorrhage.

The brain damage was so severe that even if the operation was successfully completed, he could live with a disability for the rest of his life.

Fortunately, thanks to the hospital’s attention and care, he shows a quick recovery, but with this, Seo suffered from a loss of 5 kg in weight in just a week.

Seo said, “Even though there were separate areas for large dogs and small dogs, an accident occurred because they were not properly separated.” I just hope you don’t see it.”

The dog kindergarten side expressed an apology for the accident that occurred while cleaning the dog’s urine and feces for a while before opening.

SNS comments that ridicule dog bites

picture explanationSNS comments that ridicule dog bites

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Seo also said, “I found similar cases or precedents, but it was difficult to find, and the responsibility and compensation were absurd.”

According to Mr. Seo, it is not easy to find cases or precedents in the case of a bite accident between dogs in a dog kindergarten.

It is possible to find similar cases by expanding it to everyday life, but pets are legally not’life’, but’objects’, so no criminal punishment or compensation is satisfactory on the victim’s side.

Although it is a definite family, its value is far short of that of humans, so the victims have no choice but to be unfair.

In 2017, at a dog hotel in Seoul, the dog was bitten by another large dog and died.

Accordingly, the Ministry of Justice recently formed a task force (TF) to improve the legal system centered on multi-person households due to the rapid increase in single-person households to discuss the improvement of the legal status of animals, such as non-property of animals that separate animals from general objects, and prohibition of seizure of companion animals I’m doing it.

Abandoned Dog and Dog Animal Cruelty (PG)

picture explanationAbandoned Dog and Dog Animal Cruelty (PG)

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