Girl group Gugudan dismantled… Members’ personal activities such as Kim Se-jung continue

Girl group gugudan
Girl group gugudan

[연합뉴스 자료사진]

(Seoul = Yonhap News) Reporter Bo-Ram Oh = Girl group Gugudan decided to disband after four years of activities.

The agency Jelly Fish Entertainment announced on the 30th that “Gugudan, who has been running hard since its debut and has been loved a lot, will end its official group activities on the 31st.”

The agency said, “We and the members of Gugudan have made a final agreement to end the group activity after a long, serious and in-depth discussion.” I am going to do my best without it.”

He then apologized, “Thank you again for the great support you’ve given me, and sincerely apologize for delivering the sudden news to the fans who care for the multiplication table.

Gugudan gained great interest even before debut as the news that Sejeong and Mina, members of Ioi, will join.

He debuted in June 2016 as a group of 9 and released 3 mini-albums and 2 singles, but did not achieve the expected results and suffered withdrawal from the member once.

Instead of releasing a new album for the last 3rd mini album’Act. 5 New Action’ released in November 2018, they have focused on individual member activities.

Sejung released her solo album twice this year and is currently playing an active role in the drama’Wonderful Rumors’. Mina appeared in’Hotel Del Luna’ and focused on acting.

The rest of the members also continued their activities, including appearing in musicals and entertainment programs and participating in OST.

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