Girl group dating rumor’G-Dragon’ suspicion of violation of smoking quarantine rules in Tusk… Complaint filed

GD, smoking in’tusk’ wearing mask
Some citizens file a complaint with the Seoul city… Contents of the opinion of netizen “Isn’t it violating the quarantine rules?”

Girl group dating rumor'G-Dragon' suspicion of violation of smoking quarantine rules in Tusk...  Complaint filed
Big Bang G-Dragon [이미지출처=연합뉴스]

[아시아경제 한승곤 기자] Group Big Bang G-Dragon (GD, G-D) and Black Pink Jennie are known to have filed a complaint about G-Dragon’s “street smoking” with suspicion of violating the quarantine rules on the 24th. Citizen A, who reported this, said, “It is believed that G-Dragon is doing’tusk’ in the photo, so smoking at the time after it became mandatory to wear a mask due to Corona 19. It is presumed to have captured what was there,” and filed a complaint with the Seoul city for violating the quarantine rules.

Mr. A said, “Since the quarantine authorities classify tobacco as a favorite food, it is considered an exception to the order to wear a mask when smoking.” “I mean,” he said. “It is advisable not to communicate with other people at a distance of 2m or more when smoking, and you should wear a mask before and after smoking.” . In this regard, the Seoul Metropolitan Government explained the reason for the complaint, saying, “Please carefully grasp the place where G-Dragon smoked and the situation at the time, and if any violations of the quarantine regulations are confirmed, please take strict treatment.

Girl group dating rumor'G-Dragon' suspicion of violation of smoking quarantine rules in Tusk...  Complaint filed
A photo posted by a netizen to an online community on the morning of the 24th. It is known that the netizen filed a complaint about the group Big Bang and Black Pink members’GD’ and’Jenny’ dating rumors reported through a media that day, claiming that GD violated the quarantine rules while smoking. Photo = Online Community

If you look at the photo inserted in the media that reported GD and Jenny’s dating rumors on the 24th, GD is holding a cigarette with his right hand and lowering his chin to wear a mask that should be worn during the COVID-19 outbreak. . Netizens who saw this revealed doubts about the violation of the quarantine rules, such as “GD smoking tusk, I don’t know if it is a violation of quarantine rules”, “I don’t know why I took off my mask”, and “I don’t know if it’s a smoking space.”

In such a situation, according to the quarantine regulations, the authorities said, “Cigarettes are classified as favorite foods and are considered food intake, so smoking is considered an exception to the order to wear a mask.” It is advisable not to talk over and over, and you should wear a mask before and after smoking.”

On this day, there was a report that G-Dragon and Jenny were dating for the first year. The date of the two is mainly known as a villa in Hannam-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, where G-Dragon lives. In this regard, YG Entertainment said, “It is difficult for the company to confirm the artist’s personal personal life. Please understand.”

Girl group dating rumor'G-Dragon' suspicion of violation of smoking quarantine rules in Tusk...  Complaint filed

◆ Recorded in the mid-of 400 new cases on the 24th

Meanwhile, as the spread of Corona 19 in Korea continued, the number of new confirmed cases on the 24th recorded mid-400. It increased by 80 people from the previous day (23rd), and it rose to 400 again in three days after the 21st (416).

There are concerns that the size of the confirmed cases could increase as group infections have continued in recent years, mainly in family gatherings and workplaces during the Lunar New Year holidays, and the effects of measures to mitigate’social distancing’ may also appear. The government is looking at the trend of the incidence of patients, and plans to announce a proposal to adjust the distance to be applied from next week as early as the 26th.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the cumulative confirmed cases as of 0 o’clock on the 24th were 88120, an increase of 440 from 0 o’clock the previous day.

There were 417 confirmed cases in Korea and 23 confirmed cases from overseas. Community infections were 138 in Seoul, 137 in Gyeonggi, 35 in Gwangju, 17 in each of Daegu and Incheon, 15 in Gyeongbuk, 13 in Busan, 12 in Chungnam, 9 in Gangwon, 8 in Jeonbuk, 7 in Gyeongnam, Daejeon and Sejong. There are 2 people each in Jeju, 1 each in Ulsan, Chungbuk, and Jeonnam.

Girl group dating rumor'G-Dragon' suspicion of violation of smoking quarantine rules in Tusk...  Complaint filed

Of the 23 confirmed overseas inflows, 10 are Koreans and 13 are foreigners. Four people were confirmed during the airport and port quarantine stage and 19 were quarantined in the community.

The number of deaths from Corona 19 increased by 3 to 1,576 as of the day. The fatality rate, which is the percentage of deaths among confirmed patients, is about 1.79%.

The number of confirmed patients who were released from quarantine through treatment after infection increased by 656 to 79,050, and the rate of quarantine removal among confirmed patients was 89.71%. Currently, the number of isolated and treated patients is 7494, down 219 from the previous day. The total number of gastric and severe patients was 140, down by 8 from the previous day.

Reporter Han Seung-gon [email protected]
