Gimpo Mayor “Pain, not traffic”… Gold Line’Hell-cheol’


The Gimpo Urban Railroad is also called’Hell Cheol’ because it changes like hell during rush hour. Last week, our close-up camera also delivered it. It was said that the train and platform were so small that citizens were experiencing great inconvenience. An unbearable citizen suggested that the mayor take the subway himself, and the actual Gimpo mayor got on the train.

Reporter Ji-Sung Kim loaded up on the Gimpo Urban Railway in time for work.


Yangchon Station, where the Gimpo Urban Railway starts, a man in his 50s takes a train.

At first it looks sloppy, but every time you pass a station, people come in like a tide.

Soon the train is full,

[윤동성/경기 김포시 걸포동 : 혼잡도는 말도 못 하죠. 이건 뭐 욕밖에 안 나와요.]

When people get on and off, rough horses come and go.

[어어어. 다른 차 타. 미친 X들아.]

We took the train at Pungmu Station.

It’s not easy to move your hands because of the crowded crowds.

A man in his 50s who got on a train at Yangchon Station, stuck in the front and rear, and couldn’t move.

[이건 교통이 아니라 고통 그 자체죠. 코로나 사회적 거리두기가 완전 무색합니다.]

This is the man, Jeong Ha-young, mayor of Gimpo.

A citizen posted an article in the online community that the mayor of Gimpo should take the subway on his way to work.

[홍모 씨/경기 김포시 풍무동 : 뉴스 동영상 (댓글)에 보시면 ‘이건 꼭 시장이 타봐야 한다’라는 얘기가 많아서… 김포골드라인 타고 오시면 피곤함과 깊은 분노, 울컥거리는 게 있잖아요.]

When arriving at Gimpo Airport Station, the last station and transfer station, Mayor Jeong is also pushed down by the crowds.

Are there any measures?

[정하영/김포시장 : 올해 증차 용역 마치고 바로 제작 주문에 들어갈 계획인데요.]

However, we have to wait three more years for the train to be built.

There are also talks about extending Seoul Subway Line 5 or attracting GTX D lines, but nothing has been confirmed.

This is why the citizens of Gimpo will continue to experience inconvenience for the time being.

(Video Design: Seungwoo Cho)
