Geum Tae-seop “What should I do with Kim Eo-jun?…I will ask in the Seoul mayoral election”

Mr. Eo-Jun Kim is running the’News Factory of Eo-Jun Kim’ at TBS Traffic Broadcasting. (TBS Homepage Capture) © News1

Former Democratic Party lawmaker Geum Tae-seop, who declared a run for the mayor of Seoul, said that the politicians should not influence the media, but the issue of Mr. Kim Eo-jun, who is running the’News Factory’ at Seoul Transportation Broadcasting System (TBS), is sure to correct.

Rep. Geum Jeon said on his SNS on the 31st, “I think that in principle, politics should not affect the media,” he said, “but it is different in the case of Kim Eo-jun.”

In other words, “It’s not just a matter of objectivity or neutrality, it’s not just a matter of objectivity or neutrality, but because of the intense and diverse appearance of bias, it’s causing too much harm.” Criticized.

As a representative example, he heard Kim Eo-joon’s remarks in 2018, saying, “He brought up a conspiracy theory from the beginning about the Me Too movement, where victims of sexual violence began to shake off their fears.

Rep. Geum said at the time, Mr. Kim Eo-jun said,’I’m afraid I’ll make a prophecy. Someone will appear, and where is the target. Eventually, the Moon Jae-in government, the Blue House, and progressive supporters,” he said. “In other private broadcasters he was running, he advocated a close politician who was involved in the revelation of Me Too and then got off.”

Rep. Geum said, “Mr. Kim Eo-joon did not stop spreading the conspiracy theory in his head.” In the investigation and court, it was found to be different from the facts, but Mr. Kim never took responsibility.”

“For Grandma Lee Yong-soo, it seems clear that I didn’t even write the press conference document. It smells.” When Daegu citizens were suffering from Corona 19 last spring, they criticized the prosecutors erratically, saying,’The corona crisis is the Daegu crisis. “I did,” he listed Kim Eo-jun’s wrongdoing.

Congressman Geum Jeon said, “We took the lead in promoting division and conflict, rather than social integration, such as attacking the court rulings as’the vested rights counterattack’,” he said. “There is only one criterion for attacking and judgment of Mr. Kim. “It’s whether it benefits or hurts the political forces that support it.”

Rep. Geum said, “It is the reality of the ruling party that senior members of the ruling party also stand in line to appear on the broadcast, act as parrots according to the direction he directs, open when he sees him, and die when he sees him.” They argued that they were actually involved in politics, shaping public opinion.

He said, “Whatever Mr. Kim personally argues, he can take responsibility for it with his freedom, but the broadcasting station that receives financial support from Seoul occupies the public good of radio waves.”

Therefore, Geum Jeon said, “It is time to apply the words of one of the court rulings that came out a while ago, “I inflicted mental pain on the person who tells the truth. I cannot help but evaluate the guilt too heavily,” he said. He declared, “I will make this promise in the Seoul mayoral election and ask the will of the citizens.”

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