Germany, another 1,000 corona19 deaths a day… Higher mortality than the US

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Despite the iron blockade, the number of deaths from the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) in Germany again surpassed 1,000.

Germany’s COVID-19 mortality rate has surpassed that of the United States, the worst hit by COVID-19 in the world.

According to a count by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), Germany’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (RKI) on the 13th (local time), the number of Corona 19 deaths in Germany the previous day was 1,60, surpassing 1,000 again in 5 days.

The number of deaths per day in Germany was 1,188 on the 8th, exceeding 1,000 on the third day, breaking the record high.

Germany’s Corona 19 mortality rate surpassed that of the United States, said German Tagespiegel.

According to a count from Johns Hopkins University in the United States, as of the 11th in the United States, the number of new corona 19 confirmed cases reached 750 per million. Only a third of Germany’s new cases per million people were confirmed.

However, Germany’s death toll per 1 million people surpassed 10 last week, surpassing the United States with less than 10 for the first time.

Germany’s death rate compared to the number of corona19 confirmed cases is 2.2%, higher than that of the United States (1.7%).

This is attributed to Germany’s aging population structure. 96% of Corona 19 deaths in Germany were over the age of 60. Over 70% are over 80 years old.

In the United States, four out of five deaths are 65 or older, and 60% are 75 or older.

Germany further strengthened the containment measures, such as restricting movement within a 15km radius in areas where the corona19 is rapidly spreading, allowing private meetings to only one person except for the same household at a meeting of the federal government and 16 governors presided over by Prime Minister Angela Merkel I did it.

In addition to cultural and sports facilities and restaurants, the total blockade of schools, childcare facilities, and shops was extended until the end of this month.


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