Germany and France also “AZ vaccine, only to be shot under 65”

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Germany and France also “AZ vaccine, only to be shot under 65”

(Seoul = News 1) Reporter Kang Min-kyung |
2021-02-03 07:35 sent

French President Emmanuel Macron is speaking on TF1 broadcast on the 2nd. © AFP=News1

Following Germany and Sweden, France also decided to limit the vaccination age of the AstraZeneca novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) vaccine to under 65 years of age.

According to the AFP news agency, the French Higher Health Agency (HAS) said on the 2nd (local time) that AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford in England recommend that the vaccine jointly developed by those under the age of 65 should be vaccinated.

HAS said that in the data submitted by AstraZeneca, data on test participants over 65 years of age are still insufficient, and that it expects additional data from pharmaceutical companies.

The decision of the French authorities came amid a remark on the 29th of last month that French President Emmanuel Macron said, “We believe that the AstraZeneca vaccine has little effect for people over 65.”

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) approved the use of this vaccine and recommended vaccination for all ages, but Germany, Italy and Sweden did not comply.

Germany’s Robert Koch Institute (RKI) Vaccination Committee also recommended that AstraZeneca vaccine be administered only to those under the age of 65 due to lack of data. Sweden has issued the same recommendations.

In Italy, people over the age of 55 were advised to get a vaccine from a drug other than AstraZeneca. It was also cited based on the uncertainty of the efficacy of the vaccine in the elderly.

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