German Vaccination Commissioner “Recommends to allow the AZ vaccine for the elderly in the near future”

I am over 65 years old and am seriously distrustful

英 “Up to 94% of hospitalization risk for vaccinations including the elderly ↓”

“Request for data on the elderly from the British research team… Decided soon”

In an interview with ZDF, the head of the German vaccination committee, Thomas Mertens (left), said he plans to release a new recommendation to allow AstraZeneca vaccinations for people aged 65 and older in the near future. /Photo = ZDF broadcast capture

Thomas Mertens, Chairman of the German Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Robert Koch Institute (RKI), said, “We plan to release a new recommendation to allow AstraZeneca (abbreviated AZ) to be vaccinated against COVID-19 even for seniors aged 65 and over.” .

According to the UK Guardian on the 27th (local time), Mertens vaccination chairperson mentioned the results of a study in Scotland, UK, in an interview with ZDF on the previous day that the first-line AstraZeneca vaccine had a very low risk of hospitalization due to COVID-19 compared to non-vaccinated people. And said this.

◇Pfizer or AZ vaccination, the risk of hospitalization for COVID-19 is around 80%↓

According to a study by Professor Aziz Sheikh’s team at the University of Edinburgh, UK, the first dose of AstraZeneca or Pfizer vaccine had a risk of hospitalization due to COVID-19 compared to those who were not vaccinated after 28-34 days ▷18-64 years old 85% ▷65-79 years old 79 % ▷ Those over the age of 80 were 81% lower.

This study analyzed how vaccination lowers the risk of hospitalization in 442 hospitalized patients for COVID-19 out of 1.14 million people vaccinated for COVID-19, and 7472 hospitalized patients out of 3.27 million unvaccinated people. In all age groups over 18 years of age, the highest COVID-19 hospitalization after 28-34 days after the first vaccination compared to other elapsed periods (7-13 days, 14-20 days, 21-27 days, 35-41 days, 42 days after) Showed a preventive effect. 28 to 34 days after the first vaccination, the AstraZeneca vaccine lowered the risk of hospitalization by 94% and the Pfizer vaccine (including the second vaccination after 3 weeks) by 85%.

However, if 442 people hospitalized for COVID-19 infection after vaccination are divided by vaccine, by 3 age groups, and by the elapsed period after the first vaccination, there are few cases where there are only 3 to 7 people in each detailed section. The effect of prevention of hospitalization was inevitably analyzed by combining the two vaccines.

“We looked closely at the Scottish data, and it was difficult to make policy decisions based on the data published in the paper by Professor Sheikh’s team (by specific items only for the AstraZeneca vaccine). After requesting additional data and answers to a few questions, Waiting.” He said, “It is possible to extend the interval between the first and second doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine to 12 weeks, as in the UK.”

◇ Following the UK, EU and WHO, Canada also “approves all adult vaccinations”

The UK Medicines and Health Care Products Authority (MHRA), the European Union (EU) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA), and the World Health Organization (WHO) have approved and recommended the AstraZeneca vaccine to be administered to all adults over the age of 18. Canada also approved the vaccination on’all adults over the age of 18′, including seniors over the age of 65 on the 26th.

On the other hand, the German Vaccination Commission, France, Belgium, Sweden, as well as the Korean government, in the AstraZeneca vaccine efficacy clinical trial, targeted 18~64 vaccination targets last month because the proportion of the elderly over 65 was too small (8%) and lack of data to prove efficacy. Limited to three age groups.

Accordingly, in Germany, the preventive efficacy of AstraZeneca vaccine is at the level of 60%, which is considerably lower than the Pfizer vaccine (95%) developed by the local company Bioentech. There are many people who want to get the Pfizer vaccine. In fact, 81% to 97% of the AZ vaccines first secured by Germany are being stored unused in refrigerators or refrigerators in medical institutions, and only 5% of vaccines have been reported in some states.

In an interview with the BBC, Kasten Wazl, president of the German Immunology Association, said, “As it has been confirmed that the AstraZeneca vaccination is effective in preventing hospitalization even for the elderly over 65 years old, the government allowed the vaccination of the vaccine to the elderly. He emphasized, “We must ask the public to be vaccinated.”

/ Reporter Lim Woong-jae [email protected]

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