The US Governor of Georgia requested US President Joe Biden to veto the recent ruling of the battery dispute between SK Innovation and LG Energy Solutions.
According to a Reuters news agency on the 12th (local time), Governor Brian Kemp said in a statement that “Unfortunately, ITC’s latest ruling puts SK’s 2600 clean energy jobs and significant investments in innovative manufacturing at risk.
This is two days after the US Trade Commission (ITC) gave the hands of LG Energy Solutions in a lawsuit between SK Innovation and LG Energy Solutions, which is called the’battery war’.
ITC saw that on the 10th, SK Innovation infringed on the trade secrets of LG Energy Solutions. ITC reported that SK Innovation violated Article 337 of the U.S. Customs Act on battery cells, modules, packs, and related parts and materials. did. However, only Ford and Volkswagen, which SK Innovation supplies batteries, had a grace period of 4 and 2 years, respectively.
The ITC’s ruling will be finalized after President Biden’s decision to accept or reject after a 60-day deliberation period. If President Biden accepts the ITC ruling, SK Innovation will be banned from manufacturing and sales activities in the United States for the next 10 years.
[김정은 매경닷컴 기자 [email protected]]
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