General Society: Society: News: Hankyoreh

An outsider uploads abusive and obscene photos in online lectures
Prof. Ji-seon Yoon, sued for insults or disruption

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The police investigated the incident in which an outsider accessed the Sejong University online lecture without permission, exposed obscene pictures on the screen, and made abusive and hateful remarks. On the 25th, the police said that a complaint filed by Professor Yoon Ji-seon of Sejong University’s Daeyang Humanity College for insults, business obstruction, and violations of the Sexual Violence Penalty Act was filed with the Seoul Police Agency’s Cyber ​​Investigation Division and initiated an investigation. Revealed. On the 22nd, during an online class at Sejong University’s philosophy course conducted by Professor Yoon on the 22nd, an outsider with an unknown identity accessed and exposed obscene pictures on the screen. It is reported that he posted abusive language and hate speech in the chat window for about 30 minutes, and said to Professor Ji-sun Yoon,’Professor X Femi’,’I am a suffocating boy, so the legal response doesn’t work.’ Professor Yoon mentioned the buzzword of BJ’s’Bogyeom’ as a misogynistic expression in his paper “The Embryology of the Guanyin Worm” published in the academic journal of the Institute of Philosophy in 2019, and this fact has been attacked as it became known. It is not yet known who leaked the lecture link to the outside. Prof. Yoon posted a post on his Twitter the day before, saying, “The scope of group attacks by misogynists is invading not only online, but also from the main entrance of my university to the video lecture site.” He said, “Along with the prompt preparation of a bill that can deter misogynistic group attacks, systematic school education that recognizes and criticizes the misogynistic phenomenon that has become playful and routine, and multilateral policies to prevent damage from misogynistic group attacks. They will have to be presented.” The police said, “Various similar crimes related to online lectures are on an increasing trend these days.” By Kim Yoon-joo, staff reporter
