‘GeForce Now’ is now available on iPhone Safari

▲ GeForce Now started supporting iOS Safari (Photo Source: NVIDIA Official Blog)

On the 19th, NVIDIA started supporting its cloud game service GeForce Now on the iOS web browser’Safari’.

This allows GeForce Now subscribers to use GeForce Now through the Safari app on their iPhone or iPad. GeForce Now is a cloud game service that lets you enjoy high-end PC games such as Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla, Destiny 2, Shadow of the Tomb Raider, Watchdog: Region, etc. on mobile, and ray tracing and DLSS are also applied.

You’ll need a gamepad to play games with GeForce Now on iOS Safari. NVIDIA provides a list of recommended gamepads for GeForce Now on its official website.

GeForce Now recently linked with CD Project Red’s game distribution platform GOG. With this, the new Cyberpunk 2077 can also be enjoyed on GeForce Now.
