GC Green Cross begins export of Hunter’s syndrome treatment’Hunterase’ to Japan

Initial supply after product approval in January… First shipment to China at the beginning of last month

(Seoul = Yonhap News) Reporter Jandi Kim = GC Green Cross announced on the 3rd that it began exporting the Hunter Syndrome treatment’Hunterase ICV’ to Japan and shipped the initial quantity.

According to GC Green Cross, Hunterase ICV is a treatment for Hunter syndrome by inserting a device into the head and directly administering the drug to the ventricle.

The existing intravenous formulation of drugs could not pass through the blood brain barrier (BBB) ​​and thus could not reach the’cerebral parenchyma’. In January, it received an item license from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (MHLW) of Japan.

With this shipment, GC Green Cross is expected to see full-fledged sales of Hunterase ICVs in Japan as early as the second quarter.

Prior to this, at the beginning of last month, IV-type Hunterase was also shipped to China for the first time. In China, in September of last year, Hunterase was approved as the first treatment for Hunter syndrome in China.

An official from GC Green Cross said, “We are rapidly undergoing related procedures so that Hunterase can be used by patients as a new treatment option.”

Hunter syndrome is a rare congenital disease in which skeletal abnormalities and decreased intelligence occur due to a deficiency of the enzyme IDS (Iduronate-2-sulfatase). In general, it occurs at a rate of 1 in 100,000 to 150,000 male children.

GC Green Cross
GC Green Cross

[GC녹십자 제공]

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