Gas Technology Corporation completes the construction of’Sambo Hydrogen Charging Station’ in Jecheon-si

Completion of the 4th construction in Chungbuk-do…Improved convenience in charging the Chungbuk and Gangwon areas of Jecheon

Ko Young-tae, president of Gas Technology Corporation (center right) is inspecting the Sambo hydrogen charging station in Jecheon-si, Chungbuk.
Ko Young-tae, president of Gas Technology Corporation (center right) is inspecting the Sambo hydrogen charging station in Jecheon-si, Chungbuk.

[국토일보 조성구 기자] Korea Gas Technology Corporation (President Ko Young-tae) announced on Friday that it will complete the construction of the Sambo hydrogen charging station in Jecheon-si, Chungbuk and start commercial operation.

Gas Technology Corporation is participating in a charging station construction project according to the environment-friendly vehicle supply plan in North Chungcheong Province. Sambo Hydrogen Charging Station is the fourth hydrogen charging station in Chungbuk Province and is expected to help improve charging convenience for users of hydrogen electric vehicles in Jecheon, nearby Chungbuk region, and Gangwon Province.

Sambo hydrogen charging station, located at 913, Buk-ro, Bongyang-eup, Jecheon-si, Chungcheongbuk-do, operates from 8 am to 8 pm on weekdays and from 8 am to 6 pm on weekends.

In the case of hydrogen cars, more than 95% of the car can be fully charged, so up to 80 Nexo cars can be charged per day based on 10 hours of operation, and it takes about 5 minutes to charge, based on a car, and about 100km per 1kg of hydrogen is possible.

With the completion of the Sambo hydrogen charging station, the number of hydrogen charging stations in Chungbuk Province has increased to 4, including 2 in Cheongju and 1 in Chungju. In addition, the Samhan hydrogen charging station in Eumseong-gun has completed the completion inspection and is preparing to start commercial operation in January.

Jecheon City plans to contribute to the popularization of eco-friendly vehicles in Chungbuk province by supplying 280 hydrogen cars as the operation of hydrogen charging stations begins.

Korea Gas Technology Corporation President Ko Young-tae expressed his gratitude for the support for expanding the charging infrastructure, saying, “Even in difficult times with Corona 19, we were able to complete the completion of the Sambo hydrogen charging station with the support of Jecheon City and Chungbuk Province.”

He added, “To cope with the increase in decompression charging and charging facility failures due to failure of charging facilities, we plan to solve the inconvenience of charging infrastructure caused by failure maintenance of hydrogen charging stations by establishing integrated monitoring facilities for hydrogen charging stations and supporting a wide area maintenance service network.” Revealed.

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