Gas Safety Corporation launches hydrogen safety infrastructure TF team

[월간수소경제 성재경 기자] The Korea Gas Safety Corporation (President Hae-jong Lim), an agency in charge of hydrogen safety, organized the’Hydrogen Safety Infrastructure Construction Task Force (TF) Team’ and held the first meeting on the 3rd to improve the safety of hydrogen products.

36 employees from 9 departments will participate in the TF team, led by Yeon-jae Lee, director of safety management at Gas Safety Corporation. In addition, Chungcheongbuk-do, Hyundai Motor Company, and Korea Transportation Safety Authority are in charge of external consulting.

At the meeting that day, the detailed construction schedule and execution plan of the hydrogen product inspection support center and the hydrogen bus and charging station test and evaluation center were reviewed. In addition, the establishment and revision of inspection standards for hydrogen products, plans to establish inspection processes, and plans to establish large-scale ultra-high pressure hydrogen container test facilities were discussed.

The Hydrogen Safety Infrastructure TF Team established a’Hydrogen Product Inspection Support Center’ that performs safety management of hydrogen products, and a’Hydrogen Bus and Charging Station Test and Evaluation Center’ that evaluates the safety performance of large hydrogen bus (commercial vehicle) parts and hydrogen charging station parts. Is in charge of.

The Hydrogen Products Inspection Support Center performs safety inspection on 4 types of hydrogen products according to the enactment of the Hydrogen Act, such as mobile and stationary fuel cells, water electrolysis facilities, and hydrogen extraction facilities, and the hydrogen bus and charging station test and evaluation center performs commercial vehicles such as hydrogen buses. Tests for containers and parts mounted on the wall and parts for hydrogen charging stations are carried out.

The site of the inspection support center is currently under public offering, and the site of the test and evaluation center has been decided as Seongbon Industrial Complex in Eumseong-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do. The Gas Safety Corporation also signed a business agreement with Eumseong-gun on February 4th.

Gas Safety Corporation plans to establish standards for product development and inspection for hydrogen products inspection and hydrogen bus parts according to the implementation of the hydrogen law through rapid construction of hydrogen safety infrastructure. In addition, the company plans to expand the safety of hydrogen products, such as expanding inspection items for parts of hydrogen charging stations.
