Gangwon Jeongseon fires extinguished after 18 hours… 12ha of forest loss

Input 2021.02.21 10:17

On the 20th, a forest fire at Nochusan, Gujeol-ri, Yeoryang-myeon, Jeongseon-gun, Gangwon-do, extinguished in 18 hours.

At 3:50 pm on the 20th, the fire at Nochusan Mountain, Gujeol-ri, Yeoryang-myeon, Jeongseon-gun, Gangwon-do, spreads at night, and members of the Forest Aviation Headquarters of the Forest Service are scraping fallen leaves and by-products with fire rakes to build fire lines. /Provided by Forest Aviation Headquarters

On the 21st at 9:40 am, the forest authorities and others said that they were catching a big flame and monitoring the back light. In this process, 14 helicopters, including two extra-large helicopters from the Forest Service, were put in, and 421 personnel and 33 equipment were mobilized, including fire fighting, local governments, and military.

The fire occurred around 3:50 pm on the 20th. The forest authorities immediately put in 11 helicopters, including 3 super-large helicopters, 212 people including air extinguishers, special extinguishers, public officials, firefighters, and police, and 16 equipments such as fire fighting vehicles.

However, the fire site was a steep slope where it was difficult to input manpower, and a strong wind of 6.2m per second had difficulty in extinguishing it. As the sun went down, the forest authorities withdrew the extinguishing helicopter, made a diffusion barrier with ground personnel and equipment, switched to a night extinguishing system, and then put in a large number of helicopters at sunrise to catch the main fire.

The fire burned 12㏊ (120,000 square meters) of national forests, but it is said that there was no human injury. The forest authority believes that the fire has started in the farmland near the private house and plans to investigate the exact cause of the fire and the area of ​​damage along with local governments and fire fighting.
