Game Insight mobile site,’Trickster M-Monhun Rise’ What’s New in March?

New works that attract fans’ attention with just the name will be released in March.

From Watch Dogs Region Online, which is aiming to rebound in a new mode, Arcana Tactics Revolve Bus, a new indie game that connects the Skull, Dandy Ace, a new indie game that connects the Skull, Trickster M, which reappeared in 7 years as a mobile game, and the center of the topic as a rope bug. Various lineups, including the Monster Hunter Rise, are about to be released.

<와치독스 리전 온라인>

The Watch Dogs Region, which has left users heartbroken with delayed release and unfortunate content, will return to the 4-player cooperative mode on March 10.

The Watch Dogs series is a game with an open world realizing a city and a hacker concept as strengths, and features a system that controls the city by hacking the city management system ctOS. Ubisoft released three regions in October last year, but was criticized for lack of content, including bugs, and promised to add an improved patch and a new mode.

In Watch Dogs Region Online, up to 4 users team up to explore the city center and perform missions and quests. The main content is divided into a cooperative mission that recruits ordinary citizens as a member of the Dead Sec, Tactical Ops, a high-difficulty tactical mission, Spiderbot Arena, where up to eight players compete, and an invasion mode that steals data by stealing data from other users’ single-player campaigns.

Online mode does not share the progress of a single campaign. Even if the user has reached the ending, in order to participate in the co-op mode, he has to create a new character and recruit Dead Sec colleagues again. Users who purchased the main game can play for free.

<아르카나 택틱스 리볼버스>

Arcana Tactics, which has completely reorganized the content, will start global service on March 9 with a new subtitle.

Arcana Tactics Revolver focuses on combination-based combat and intuitive gameplay. The user must summon and synthesize heroes on the battlefield to attack the opponent’s combination.

The battle was characterized by a combination of heroes. Heroes are divided into eight classes: Sword Man, Lancer, Spirit, Cleric, Fighter, Archer, Rogue, and Wizard, and six attributes: Flame, Cold, Nature, Brightness, Darkness, and Steel. As the result varies depending on the material hero, the special feature of the game is that it can flexibly cope with the battlefield situation.

There are three major changes to the official release. The size of the battlefield has been increased to 4×4, and the recipe has been improved so that you can check the combination tree with a single touch. In addition, a mode where you can play games with other users such as real-time PvP and cooperative PvE will be added.

<댄디 에이스>

The 2D Quarter View Roguelike game, Dandy Ace, will be released on Steam on March 25th.

Dandy Ace is a new work by Brazilian indie developer Mad Mimic. Dandy Ace, a wizard trapped in a cursed mirror, fights the illusionist Lele, who is trapped in her, and escapes from the mirror.

The core of the game is combat using card combinations. Users can dominate opponents by combining thousands of play styles with 4 types of magic cards, upgrade cards, and 21 types of accessories. The official release version will include 10 types of maps, 4 types of bosses, and 26 types of bosses.


NCsoft’s Trickster M will be officially released on March 26th after a long wait.

Trickster M is a game that became a hot topic after NCsoft introduced it as’Cute Lineage’, and it is a mobile version of the original game released in 2003. It inherited the core system of drill action and 2D graphics, and applied NCsoft’s latest technologies such as character collision handling, seamless world, and cross play.

Cooperative and PvP content that was not in the original was also introduced. The company is a guild of the company concept, and users raise their ranks according to their performance and receive benefits such as vehicles and business cards according to their ranks. In addition, with the addition of a treasure spot system, you can play field PK with other companies over a specific area.

In addition, the TM level was deleted so that the skill was strengthened only by hunting and exploration, and the original story writer was put into the process of developing the scenario, and the background story and relationship diagram were arranged on the homepage.

“The goal of Trickster M is to completely restore the needs of the original fans,” said NCsoft PD Seong-gu Lee. “The expression of cute lineage is close to the mellow taste lineage, and we will actively introduce things that we could not try in the original work.” Said.

<몬스터헌터 라이즈>

The latest version of the Monster Hunter series, Monster Hunter Rise, will be released exclusively on the Nintendo Switch on March 26th.

Monster Hunter is Capcom’s flagship series that hunts giant monsters together with friends and makes equipment to advance to higher dungeons. From 2004 to 2019, when the first episode was released, the cumulative sales volume exceeded 53 million copies, of which Monster Hunter World, launched in 2018, sold more than 13 million copies for the first time in the series history.

Monster Hunter Rise deals with the phenomenon of white dragons in the village of Kamura, a Japanese village. Users can explore the field, hunt monsters, and supply materials necessary for equipment with their companion Airu and companions Garuk and Bomong, who appeared for the first time in the series.

In particular, the rope bug is a key element representing Monster Hunter Rise. Users can perform various actions such as running in the air, running through walls, and controlling monsters for a certain amount of time using the insect wire emitted by a rope bug.

The monsters will appear as the series’ mascots Rio Reus, Leo Leia, Diablos, Jin Ogre, Narga Kruga, and Razan, and Magai Magado, who pushed them out and took the package model, also appears as a new monster.
