Galaxy Z Fold 3 is a’screen’ or’closet’? Image folded twice came out

Input 2020.12.25 17:35

Samsung Electronics’ next-generation foldable phone’Galaxy Z Fold 3′, which is scheduled to be released in the second half of next year, is expected to be folded twice. The foldable phone that has been released so far had only one fold, but now it is a new method of folding two or three times. It looks like a folding screen or a double door wardrobe.

Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 3 expected image. /Pigtoe capture

On the 24th (local time), the US IT (information technology) media Phone Arena unveiled a rendered image, which is a virtual image created with the Galaxy Z Fold 3 computer graphic. Phone Arena said, “The rendered image was produced based on a patent filed by Samsung Electronics earlier this year.”

Looking at the released image, the Galaxy Z Fold 3 is expected to come out in two models depending on how it is folded. The model of the dual fold (double folding) method has small screens on the left and right of the large screen in the middle, so the left and right small screens are folded and unfolded like a closet.

Existing foldable phones have a hinge (folding part) in the middle of the screen, but the Galaxy Z Fold 3 is expected to have two hinges. When the device is folded, four camera lenses appear on the small screen on the left, and an external display (screen) appears on the right screen.

Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 3 expected image. /Pigtoe capture

Other models of the tri-fold (triple folding) method also have two hinges, which, unlike the dual-fold model, folds like a folding screen. The tri-fold model has a camera on one side and a display on the other side when the screen is all folded down.

Since the Galaxy Z Fold 3 folds the screen twice, the screen becomes larger than the previous model. When you open the device, you can experience a large screen that is equivalent to a tablet PC. The unfolded screen size of the existing Galfold 2 is 7.6 inches, which is smaller than a tablet PC that is over 9 inches.
