Gadeok New Airport’s’Time of Destiny’ has begun

Gadeok New Airport’s’Time of Destiny’ has begun

Reporter Min Ji-hyung [email protected]

Input: 2021-01-31 19:24:28Revision: 2021-01-31 19:42:23Published: 2021-01-31 19:43:33 (p. 2)


A bird's-eye view of Gadeok New Airport in Busan.  Busan Ilbo DB

A bird’s-eye view of Gadeok New Airport in Busan. Busan Ilbo DB

An extraordinary meeting in February (the 384th National Assembly), which decides the fate of the Gadeok New Airport special bill, will begin at 2 pm on the 1st. In addition, the Democratic Party said, “Even during the war, the Gadeok New Airport must be promoted.” At the plenary session on the 26th, the Gadeok Special Act must be dealt with to resolve the 8 million wishes in Busan, Ulsan, and Gyeongnam. The power of the people is also expected to contribute to the legislative power of the party, starting with the leadership’s visit to the Gadeok site on the 1st.

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This is why there is an expectation that the extraordinary National Assembly in February will be a’time of virtuosity’ to set a milestone for the new airport in the southeast region, which has been around for 18 years. When the special law is promulgated on May 27, three months after the resolution of the plenary session, the irreversible Gadeok New Airport Project will be put into operation at the pan-government level with the aim of opening the port in April 2030. The passage of the National Assembly of the Special Law can be seen as a declaration that puts an administrative, political, and legal end to unnecessary questions and controversies surrounding Gadeok New Airport.

The ruling and opposition parties have already started consultations on specific schedules for handling the bill, such as the date of public hearing, through the National Assembly’s Land, Infrastructure, and Transport Committee, which coordinates and resolves the text of the Gaduk Special Act. The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport is expected to hold the subcommittee on the bill (Subcommittee on Transportation Law) at the latest before the Lunar New Year holiday (February 12), and initiate two combined examinations of special laws initiated by the Democratic Party and the People’s Power Busan lawmakers respectively.

An official from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport said, “After the leadership of the People’s Power announced that they would arrange their position on Gadeok New Airport in Busan, schedule discussions between the opposition and opposition parties of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport are in progress.” It seems that the standing committee will be scheduled as soon as possible.”

However, the variable is that there is not enough physical time for bill review, such as public hearings, due to the Lunar New Year holidays during the session. Under the National Assembly Act, the Plenary Meeting on the 26th is easier for the National Land Commission to hand over the special law to the Legal Judicial Council by the 19th of this month. Considering the legal consideration period (5 days) after the judicial committee’s proposal, the bill must pass before the judiciary committee’s threshold is crossed on the 25th and can be picked up as a plenary agenda the next day. It is highly likely that the National Land Commission’s public hearing will be held immediately after the holidays.

Fortunately, the observation that there is no great difficulty in passing the bill is prevailing in that both the National Land Commission and the opposition party secretary of the Judiciary Committee who obey the special law’Gilmok’ are members of Busan’s people’s powers, Lee Heon-seung and Kim Do-eup, who initiated the special law. An official from the Democratic Party said, “It is an opposition party, but the atmosphere is strong (that the bill will pass) because the two local third-tier lawmakers who have a higher understanding of the issues in Busan hold the key key to the special law.”

In particular, in the Democratic Party, which can exert full power on legislation in the National Assembly, no one, including Party President Lee Nak-yeon, has no disagreement with the promotion of Gadeok New Airport. Lee, who visited Busan again after 8 days on the 29th of last month, reaffirmed his will and belief in Gaduk New Airport, saying, “Only when Busan is revived will the economy recover quickly” through the Supreme Council held at the Busan City Hall. Reporter Min Ji-hyung [email protected]
