“Gadeok New Airport Ash Roots” Kim Jong-in’s cooperation with Kim Young-chun and Park In-young

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 The Power of the People Kim Jong-in, chairman of the Emergency Response Committee, is locked in thought at the Emergency Response Committee meeting held at the National Assembly in Yeouido, Seoul on the morning of the 21st.

The Power of the People Kim Jong-in, chairman of the Emergency Response Committee, is locked in thought at the Emergency Response Committee meeting held at the National Assembly in Yeouido, Seoul on the morning of the 21st.
Ⓒ Joint coverage photo

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Busan regional passports are pouring saturation towards the people’s strength. When Kim Jong-in raised questions about the economic effects of the Gadeok New Airport, and raised doubts about the economic effects of Gaduk New Airport, the Democratic Party of Busan City Party as well as the candidates Kim Young-chun and Park In-young, who ran for the Busan Mayor’s by-election, began to criticize with one voice.

Democratic Party leader Lee Nak-yeon visited Gadeokdo Island on the afternoon of the 21st and helped to deal with the new airport special law in the provisional National Assembly in February. As the ruling party leader’s move and the Democratic Party’s rebound in some polls in Busan, Ulsan, and Gyeongnam (PK), anxiety suddenly spread within the power of the people. Rep. Je-won Jang (Sasang in Busan) posted a post on Facebook, raising concerns, saying, “The red light has come on. (People’s Power) The Central Party has no support for the new airport problem.”

In this atmosphere, Kim Jong-in, who met with reporters on the same day, said, “It is not necessary to spend a lot of time on it just because a few percent has changed in a day or two in a poll.” However, he said, “Where is election easy? Both Seoul and Busan should pay attention,” he said, “I will visit (Busan) once before the Lunar New Year.”

Regarding the new airport, he said, “If you do one Gadeokdo (new airport), the economy of Busan will change drastically, and you should not think.” He pointed out that the construction of Gadeok New Airport is one of many ways to solve the shrinking Busan economy.

However, the Democratic Party’s Busan City Party stipulated that Chairman Kim’s remarks were dismissed as Gadeok New Airport. Some people in Daegu and Gyeongbuk (TK) regions, who expressed’dry anchovies and peppers on the runway’, brought back the remarks of members of the power of the people, raising their voice, saying, “We must take responsibility for the fishing market.”

The Busan City Party said on the 22nd, “Chairman Kim is putting cold water on the expectations of the Booulkyung beyond lowering the economic significance and ripple effect.” “I am angry with the behavior of rooting.” The people’s strength toward the preliminary candidates was also pressured, saying, “We must come up with an alternative to promote Gaduk New Airport, not a fight for the main election.”

Let’s not feel bad… Kim Jong-in explains “It’s not a demeaning remark”

View larger picture
 Together with Democratic Party leader Lee Nak-yeon, on the 21st, he visited Gadeok Island in Busan to emphasize the passing of the February Special Act of the Gadeok New Airport and the prompt implementation.  Democratic Party Kim Young-chun, Park In-young 4.7 by-election preliminary candidates and Busan Mayor Byeon Seong-wan, acting as the representative of the Busan Mayor, were present at the site on this day.

Together with Democratic Party leader Lee Nak-yeon, on the 21st, he visited Gadeok Island in Busan to emphasize the passing of the February Special Act of the Gadeok New Airport and the prompt implementation. Democratic Party Kim Young-chun, Park In-young 4.7 by-election preliminary candidates and Busan Mayor Byeon Seong-wan, acting as the representative of the Busan Mayor, were present at the site on this day.
Ⓒ Kim Bo-seong

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Former Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Kim Young-chun and former Busan city council chairman Park In-young, preliminary candidates for the Busan Mayor’s Democratic Party, also made public stances on the day, saying, “Do not mock the citizens of Busan. Former Minister Kim Young-chun criticized, “There is no clear position on Gaduk New Airport from the perspective of the people’s strength, and the in-house representative outright opposes it, but now even Chairman Kim has come up and is sprinkling ashes while trying to dictate economic feasibility.”

Former Chairman Park In-young said, “Following the airport to dry peppers, the reality of the people’s power in Busan and the ignorance of the public sentiment were revealed again.” He said, “This remark has’definitely’ confirmed that changing the party name and changing the chairman of the conglomerate does not change the power of the people,” he advised, starting with the passage of the special law of Gaduk New Airport of the Provisional National Assembly.

In response to this reaction, Chairman Kim Jong-in also indirectly countered. Chairman Kim said at the National Assembly on the same day, “It is not a remark that lowers the (Gadeok New Airport Special Act), but the new airport itself does not think that it will greatly save the Busan economy.” He said, “We established a comprehensive outlook and said that one of them is Gadeokdo Airport. I will explain again.

Regarding Democratic Party President Lee Nak-yeon’s pledge to deal with the Gaduk New Airport Special Act in February, he said, “It is trying to capture the hearts of Busan citizens ahead of the by-election.” “Obtaining the opinions of our party’s Busan chairmen, I think such an airport is necessary. In that respect, I think we can (actively) deal with it.”
