Ga-yeon Kim,’Big Hand’, reveals a kitchen level balcony! ‘Fresh’

Kim Ga-yeon’s livelihood accumulated at the level of a food service was revealed..

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3month 8Days broadcast tvN entertainment show Quick clearanceIn 10Kim Ga-yeon is different from years agoLim Yo-Hwan’s house was revealed.

Gayeon Kim
Im Yo-Hwan’s house was full of pottery and various luggage from the front door to the living room, making it difficult to separate the lines. In particular, the kitchen was full of household items such as dishes and small appliances..

Even when Lim Yo-Hwan was active as a pro gamer, the winning trophy was used as a storage for her daughter’s headband.
. Lim Yo-Hwan This is my realityIt was funny, but it caused sorrow..

Yun Gyun-sang, who looked into the balcony, was frightened.
. Shin Ae-ra also looked in and screamed..

Gayeon Kim
While I enjoyed cooking, I gave it a lot because I was doing it.. I kept saying that I ate deliciouslyI said. As the containers and ingredients needed for cooking began to increase, the balcony was filled with styrofoam boxes.. The living on the balcony was the level of a food service..

In addition, Kim Ga-yeon’s mother also helped to live in the temple and made a lot of food.
. Shin Ae-ra There’s nothing to throw away because it’s used upI became embarrassed, saying.

Will the organizers be able to successfully complete this quest?
. How will a house change?.

entertainment show Quick clearanceIs When a house changes, life changes!’Starting with the motto of, adding happiness to the vacant place NewCounseling in a corner of the house.. Shin Ae-ra, Narae Park, By organizing together with Yun Gyun-sang, of course, the memories related to the objects, It is a time to reflect on the precious values ​​of my life.

entertainment show Quick clearanceEvery Monday afternoon 10city 30Minutes are broadcast.

iMBC Kim Min-jung | Screen capture MBC

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