Fulham didn’t apologize to anyone. Parker shoots Mourinho.

[엑스포츠뉴스 김정현 인턴기자] Coach Scott Parker, who had been promoted, refuted Mourinho’s remarks.

Fulham, led by coach Scott Parker, drew 1-1 in an away match against Tottenham Hotspur in the 2020/21 Premier League round 16 held at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium on the 14th (Korean time).

Earlier, coach Jose Mourinho voiced criticism about Fulham’s situation at a press conference before the match.

Coach Mourinho said, “Fulham will have to apologize to us on the day of the game. Fulham has three days to prepare for the game. If they come out as the best, it makes no sense,’ he said.

Fulham requested a postponement of the match against Tottenham, which was scheduled to be held on December 30th. This is because there were more than 10 corona19 confirmed cases in Fulham at the time.

Subsequently, the league match between Tottenham and Aston Villa, which was originally scheduled to be held on this day, also had a corona 19 confirmed in Aston Villa and requested to be postponed.

Director Mourinho claimed that Tottenham had suffered direct damage to the schedule due to Corona 19 and insisted that Fulham should apologize.

However, Fulham coach Parker refuted Muragne’s “apology” remarks after the game.

Parker said,’I don’t apologize to anyone. So is Fulham. The fact that it shines out is our advantage, but the reality is that Tottenham and us are the same. We didn’t even train properly,’ he said.

He continued, “We had corona19 confirmed patients one after another. Only now the aftermath has diminished, and players who have not even been properly trained have played this game. We have adapted to this situation and we have only achieved satisfactory results today.

[email protected] / Photo = EPA/Yonhap News

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