From unification to ecological bath… 4·7 rehabilitation by keyword

By-election official election campaigns are now over in about three and a half hours, so today (6th) at 12:00 pm

Reporter Baek Woon pointed out the keywords of this election, including the suspicion that has spread from the unification of candidates to the allegations of speculation on LH, and the slander.


1.’Unification’, the prelude to the all-out war between the opposition parties

Ahn Chul-soo of the National Assembly Party who made a U-turn in the presidential election,

[안철수/국민의당 대표 (지난해 12월 20일) : 반드시 이겨 정권교체의 기반을 만들겠습니다.]

Oh Se-hoon, the power of the people to challenge again in 10 years,

[오세훈/국민의힘 서울시장 후보 (지난 1월 17일) : 속죄하는 마음으로 그리고 더 큰 책임감으로….]

They sat down at the table for the final unification of the pan-optics, respectively, overtaking Geum Tae-seop and Na Gyeong-won, respectively, but after repeated tug-of-war with public opinion polls, they were unified as Candidate Se-Hoon Oh only two days before the start of the official election campaign.

The unification of passports was relatively quiet and fast.

Cho Jung-hoon and Kim Jin-ae and two minority political candidates challenged the Democratic Party candidate Park Young-seon, who defeated Rep. Woo Sang-ho in the party contest, but Park became the single candidate as expected.

[박영선/민주당 서울시장 후보 (지난달 17일) : 지금 서울은 미래 100년, 서울의 좌표를 찍는 서울시 대전환을 필요로 하고 있습니다.]

2. The LH incident that engulfed the election campaign

On the 2nd of last month,’LH employee speculation suspicion’ hit the middle of the re-election.

The Democratic Party lowered its attitude, saying that it would be a taboo for ‘Nambul in me,’

[이낙연/민주당 상임선거대책위원장 : 무한 책임을 느끼며 사죄드립니다.]

The power of the people tried to get on the waves of angry public sentiment.

[김종인/국민의힘 비상대책위원장 : 체면치레로 이러한 실패를 자인하는….]

3. “Self Compensation” vs. “Black Propaganda” Naegok-dong Land

Before the election of the mayor of Seoul, the Dowha-seon was suspected of compensation for the land by the wife of Naegok-dong of Candidate Se-hoon Oh, who was lit by the Democratic Party.

The suspicion that Candidate Oh was compensated for his wife’s involvement in the designation of the Bogeumjari housing district in Naegok-dong when he was the mayor of Seoul is suspicion that Candidate Oh visited himself when he surveyed the land in Naegok-dong. In the testimony that he saw Candidate Oh, he continued to bite his tail on his tail.

[박영선/민주당 서울시장 후보 (어제) : 경작인, 측량팀장, 생태탕 (식당) 부모·아들, 모든 과정 속에 다 증인이 있는데….]

[오세훈/국민의힘 서울시장 후보 (그제) : 사실관계와 맞지 않은, 허무맹랑한 그런 주장을 하면서 혹세무민한다고 해서 서울시민 여러분들이 쉽게 넘어가시는 분들이 아니다.]

4. “Privilege Deal” vs “Normal Deal” L-City Apartments

In Busan, Democratic Party candidate Kim Young-chun made the suspicion of the purchase of preferential L City apartments by the family of candidate Park Hyeong-jun, the power of the people, as a ring of attack.

[김영춘/민주당 부산시장 후보 : (같은 동) 위아래 층을 나란히 사셨어요, 같은 날. 그리고 부동산 중개비도 안 받았어요, 그 중개인이. 이런 게 상식적으로 이해가 되는 이야기입니까?]

[박형준/국민의힘 부산시장 후보 : (그 당시) 110건 정도가 나와 있었다는 것을 지난번에도 말씀을 드렸어요, 거래가 이뤄진 게, 분양권이 그 가격에. 거기에 무슨 특혜가 있으며….]

In this election, policy commitments such as Park Young-sun’s ’21 Minute City’ and Oh Se-hoon’s’Speed ​​Housing Supply’ are evaluated to have been less prominent.

Negatives rather than verification, faction confrontation rather than policy competition seems to be difficult to avoid, both the opposition and the opposition party have a stinging view that the campaign has penetrated.

(Video coverage: Kim Yong-woo, video editing: Ha Seong-won, CG: Park Cho-rong)

▶ Local election’Wind Hyanggye’… Which neighborhood matched all the previous elections?
