From tomorrow, 5 or more immediate family members are allowed… Metropolitan area restaurants and cafes open until 10:00 p.m.

© News1 Designer Lee Ji-won

The quarantine authorities will allow 5 or more people to gather from the 15th to immediate family members. With the easing of social distancing this time, more than five members of the family who are directly related (direct blood relatives under civil law) can have a meal meeting at a restaurant or at home.

As the Lunar New Year holiday, when large-scale population migration took place, was coming to an end, and complaints were raised that the government banned even meetings with immediate family members, the quarantine authorities and infectious disease experts were exceptionally greeted on deregulation. The quarantine authorities will also lower the social distancing stage from 0 o’clock on the 15th to 12 p.m. on the 28th for two weeks in the metropolitan area to stage 2 and the non-metropolitan area to stage 1.5.

◇No more than 5 siblings without parents are prohibited… Care and death are exceptionally permitted

The Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasures Headquarters (hereinafter referred to as the main script) excluded immediate family members from the’prohibition of private gatherings with more than 5 people’ applied to prevent the re-proliferation of the third pandemic of the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19). As a result, it is possible to have a meal meeting at a restaurant or at home even if there are more than four members of the immediate family.

At a briefing on the 13th, Kwon Deok-cheol (Minister of Health and Welfare) said, “We will maintain the ban on private gatherings with more than five people to minimize the spread of (Corona 19) between individuals.” “However, sports with immediate family members and managers “We apply exceptional measures to facilities.”

Even if they were a direct family member, they could not gather more than 5 people unless they lived together. It was a very weak prescription for fear of large-scale population migration and spread among families before the Lunar New Year holidays, but many pointed out that the side effects were large.

Most of all, social dissatisfaction that even close family members are not allowed to meet has increased. The immediate family members for which the government has allowed meetings of five or more people include grandparents, maternal grandparents, parents, and sons and daughters-in-law, daughters and son-in-laws, grandchildren and granddaughters who are direct descendants.

Meal gatherings at a restaurant or at home are allowed even if there are more than four people, and family gatherings and events for rituals can also gather more than four people if immediate family members gather. In addition, cases in which family members and acquaintances gather due to the possibility of dying in cases in need of care such as children, the elderly, and the disabled are excluded from the prohibition of private gatherings with more than 5 people.

Although it is not a sports facility subject to gathering bans, sports facilities such as indoor and outdoor private futsal fields, soccer fields, and baseball fields, which are indispensable to gathering more than five people due to the nature of the event, were held in accordance with the conditions of observing quarantine rules such as writing an access list and wearing a mask. However, after the game, meals were not allowed as it was a private gathering.

Weddings and funerals are possible depending on the distance stage. Events such as briefing sessions and public hearings can also be conducted according to the standard of distance. Various recruitment tests and certification tests are allowed up to 99 people, and up to 499 people in the non-metropolitan area according to the standards of meetings and events for each stage of distance within the divided space.

The exceptions are corporate regular shareholders’ meetings, meetings of the National Assembly to handle budgets and bills, and essential business activities such as broadcasting production and transmission.

Sohn Young-rae, head of the Social Strategy Division, Central Accident Control Headquarters of the Ministry of Health and Welfare (hereinafter referred to as Jung Soo-bon), said, “The areas where the most complaints and problems were raised prevented short visits by immediate family members living in close proximity.” At the level, immediate family members are recognized as an exception to private gatherings with 5 or more members, up to a brief visit.”

He added, “Still, meetings or appointments through personal contact create a predominant environment (for the spread of Corona 19),” he added. “Considering this situation, the ban on private meetings with more than 5 people will be maintained for another 2 weeks.”

© News1 Designer Lee Ji-won

◇Restrictions on operating academies and reading rooms in metropolitan areas, restaurants and cafes in non-metropolitan areas are lifted… Entertainment bar until 10:00 p.m.

From the 15th of the 15th, the operating time limit for 480,000 places in the metropolitan area, including academies, reading rooms, and theaters, and 520,000 places in the non-metropolitan area, including restaurants, cafes, and indoor sports facilities, will be lifted. Subsequently, the metropolitan area extends the business hours of restaurants and cafes from 9 pm to 10 pm by 1 hour.

In the meantime, entertainment pubs, collate, danran pubs, emotional pubs, hunting pots, and hold’em pubs that have been banned for 10 to 12 weeks are allowed to operate until 10 p.m. if they are operated in compliance with the core quarantine rules. The period of prohibition of gatherings for entertainment facilities was 12 weeks in the metropolitan area and 10 weeks in the non-metropolitan area.

Apart from the distancing phase, some measures that were strengthened during the year-end and New Year’s special quarantine measures will also be adjusted. The ban on exceeding the number of rooms in accommodation facilities, such as meetings and parties, is maintained, but measures that only allow reservations within two-thirds of the number of rooms in accommodation facilities are lifted.

Considering the end of the Lunar New Year holiday, the measure to sell only window seats for railroad tickets is also lifted. It also operates an autonomous quarantine compliance inspection and monitoring system led by associations and organizations. For businesses that violate the quarantine rules, the local government enforces a collective ban (administrative order) for two weeks, separate from the penalty for negligence.

It is also expected to strengthen claims for reimbursement rights for managers and users who violate the quarantine rules. At the same time, quarantine measures for facilities with a large number of population infections and high risk are strengthened.

Preemptive tests are continuously conducted for nursing hospitals, nursing facility workers, and caregivers to detect confirmed patients early and minimize the scale of transmission. Reinforcement of inspection and quarantine management of non-authorized educational facilities of religious facilities, other religious organizations other than affiliated companies

“This adjustment is an inevitable decision that takes into account the difficulties of the common people’s economy and social fatigue due to the prolonged Corona 19,” said Kwon Deok-cheol, 1st deputy chief of the junior script (Minister of Health and Welfare). There is no choice but to raise the level again. The public also asked to avoid the use of confined and dense spaces and keep distance.”

© News1 Designer Lee Ji-won

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