From “Thanks from the Heart” to “Acceptance of Companies”…文·尹 What happened in the 4 years?

Input 2021.03.06 06:00

Yun Suk-yeol appoints Seoul Central District Prosecutor General and Prosecutor General
A month after the appointment of the president, the’investigation of the motherland’ begins, the bad story begins
“The Prosecutor General of the Moon Jae-in government” wrapped up in conflict with the 與
Resignation to’Gamsu-Complete’… Eight-year relationship’bad actor’ confirmed

“President Moon Jae-in accepted the appreciation of Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol.”

As President Man-ho Chung said this short sentence at 3:15 pm on the 4th, the relationship between President Moon and former President Yoon Suk-yeol ended in a bad relationship. In 2013, the President of the National Intelligence Service defended former President Yoon in the case of alleged manipulation of public opinion, and in March 2017 before the presidential election, he delivered a “hearted gratitude”.

Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol is leaving the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office in Seocho-gu, Seoul on the afternoon of the 4th. President Moon Jae-in immediately accepted Yoon’s appreciation within an hour or so. yunhap news

However, the relationship began to be distorted from the investigation of the family of former Justice Minister Cho Kook, and recently, President Moon even wrapped up saying that “President Yoon is the prosecutor general of the Moon Jae-in government”, but the relationship that once displaced eventually led to catastrophe again.

①”It is not a normal democracy country, external pressure on investigation to find out the truth”

The relationship between President Moon and former President Yoon goes back to 2013. In April of that year, former president of the Yeosu branch of Suwon District Prosecutors’ Office was appointed as the head of the special investigation team in the case of suspicion of manipulation of public opinion by the National Intelligence Service. As the investigation team conducted an active investigation, such as seizing and searching the NIS, in October 2013, the then Seoul Central District Prosecutor’s Office, Cho Young-gon, issued an order to exclude former President Yun from his duties.

At that time, President Moon, who was a Democratic Party member at this time, defended Yun, saying, “Exercising external pressure in an investigation to find out the truth means that the Republic of Korea is not functioning as a normal democratic state.”

On September 13, 2013, President Moon also wrote a post on Twitter after the Park Geun-hye administration’s so-called’Chae Dong-wook’, “You are finally making a strong knot. It’s scary.”

②”Thank you from the heart with many people”

Three years later, former President Yun was appointed as the head of the investigation team to the special investigation team Park Young-soo, who investigated the case of the government of the Park Geun-hye government. Former President Yoon’s investigation led to the impeachment of former President Park and the election of President Moon Jae-in in the early presidential elections that took place thereafter. It can be said that the political environment in which the’President Moon Jae-in’ could be born was prepared through a rapid investigation led by Yoon Seok-yeol, head of the investigation team.

President Moon praised former President Yoon, saying, “It was an investigation result that showed why special prosecutors should be special prosecutors, not prosecutors,” when the special prosecutor’s investigation was ended in March 2017, when he was a candidate for the opposition party’s presidential election. He said, “I would like to express my heartfelt encouragement and thanksgiving with many people.”

On May 19, 2017, nine days after his inauguration, President Moon appointed former President Yun as the Seoul Central District Prosecutor’s Office in his first prosecutor’s greeting. The Seoul Central District Prosecutor’s Office was appointed as high prosecutor, but President Moon changed this to the prosecutor level and at the same time promoted former President Yoon to prosecutor general and appointed him to this position.

③”Our President Yun”

President Moon’s beautiful relationship with former President Yoon continued until July of last year, until President Moon appointed him as the prosecutor general. Jeoljeong was the seat of President Moon giving a letter of appointment to former President Yoon at the Blue House.

At the time, President Moon called it “President Yoon,” and assessed that “we received the hope of the people by strict handling of power-type corruption in an attitude that was not swayed by power, did not notice, and was not loyal to people.” He said, “Please keep such a posture from now on to the end.”

President Moon continued, “I emphasize that point because I think that attitude should be the same for living power,” he said. “Whether there is a power-type corruption in the Blue House, the government, or the ruling party, please take a really strict attitude.” And said.

On July 25, 2019, President Moon Jae-in awarded a letter of appointment to the new Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol at the Blue House on July 25, 2019. /yunhap news

④”A fantastic combination of my country and Yoon Seok-yeol, I became a dream-like hope”

This is the end of the’good memories’ of President Moon and former President Yoon. In less than two months of the inauguration of former President Yoon, the bad luck began. When President Moon nominated former Minister Cho Kook as Minister of Justice, various suspicions arose, and the prosecution blewly prosecuted former Minister Cho’s wife Chung Gyeong-shim, professor of Dongyang University, on the night of September 6 last year, on the day of the National Assembly personnel hearing.

Former Minister Cho announced his intention to resign on October 14 of that year. In the afternoon of that afternoon, President Moon said at a meeting of the Blue House chief and advisors, “I hoped for the reform of the prosecution by a fantastic combination of Justice Minister Cho Kook and Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol,” he said, “it became a dreamlike hope.”

⑤ “Even if someone other than Yun Seok-yeol becomes president”

On November 8 last year, about a month later, former President Yoon attended the’Anti-Corruption Policy Council for Fair Society’ held at the Blue House. At the end of all remarks, President Moon made a remark in relation to former President Yoon, saying, “I will tell you something specially about the reform of the prosecution.”

“The prosecution believes that political neutrality has been achieved at a considerable level,” he said. “Now, I hope you will respond to the reforms of the subsequent and next steps that the people are asking for.” “I think the task from now on is to create and settle a fair anti-corruption system that does not shake even if anyone other than President Yoon Seok-yeol becomes president.”

⑥”What’s happening these days, the prosecution needs to reflect on himself”

At a New Year’s press conference on January 14 last year, President Moon was asked, “How do you evaluate President Yoon’s performance?” He said, “I believe that many things that are happening these days will be a good opportunity for the prosecution to self-reflect.”

“Anyway, General Yoon thinks that he has already gained trust from the people in terms of so-called rigorous investigations and investigations that do not give in to power,” he said. “In addition to that, the prosecution is an institution that needs democratic control. “I believe that if President Yun takes the lead in revising the prosecution’s organizational culture and investigative practices while clearly recognizing it, we will receive much more trust from the people.”

⑦”The disciplinary committee, procedural justification and fairness are important”

The next mention came out at the beginning of December last year for nearly a year. President Moon stressed that “Procedural justification and fairness are very important in the operation of the Ministry of Justice disciplinary committee against Yoon,” when the Ministry of Justice hurried to discipline Yoon. He instructed, “In light of the materiality of the matter, the disciplinary committee should further ensure procedural legitimacy and fairness.” The Blue House said, “There is no guideline for the disciplinary committee,” but the opposition party criticized it as “a mandate to ensure that you get rid of General Yun by properly setting up procedures.”

⑧Responsibility for disciplinary action by President Yun without direct comment

On December 17 last year, President Moon reapproved the discipline of former President Yoon. However, there was no direct comment on the reasons for the disciplinary action or former President Yun Yun. President Moon’s remarks delivered by the Blue House are as follows. “As the prosecutor-general, I take it heavily as a person with the power of appointment for the unprecedented situation of disciplinary action by the Prosecutor General. I regret it very much to the people.” I look forward to a new start.”

⑨”Causing confusion, apologizing as a person in charge of personnel”

However, the court accepted a request for suspension of execution on December 24, submitted by former President Yun, requesting the suspension of the two-month suspension. Former President Yun returned to his office. In the end, President Moon said, “As a person in charge, I apologize for causing inconvenience and confusion to the people as a result.” However, he said, “I hope that it will serve as an opportunity for the prosecution to reflect on the exercise of the right and restrained prosecution rights by paying attention to the judgment of the court.”

⑩”I am the prosecutor general of the Moon Jae-in government”

The interest in former President Yun’s career continued beyond the years. At a press conference for President Moon’s New Year on January 18 this year, a question asked about the evaluation of former President Yoon. President Moon said, “There are various evaluations about President Yoon, but if I can tell you my evaluation in a word, I would like to say that he is the prosecutor general of the Moon Jae-in administration.” President Moon also said, “I do not think that Yoon is acting as the prosecutor general while thinking about politics with politics in mind.”

⑪ “I have accepted the company”

However, even the word “Prosecutor General of the Moon Jae-in government” did not prevent the fierce conflict between the passport and former President Yoon. Minister of Justice Park Beom-gye announced a high-ranking prosecutor’s official on Sunday, causing controversy over’Shin Hyun-soo’s passing by Min Jung-soo. The will of former President Yun was hardly reflected. In the midst of heightened tensions, the passport was attempted to neutralize the prosecution by carrying out’complete prosecution’ (completely deprived of the prosecution’s right to investigate) and the establishment of a serious crime investigation office (heavy water office).

Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol is getting out of the car at the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office in Seocho-gu, Seoul on the afternoon of the 4th to reveal his position on the move. /Newsis

In an interview with the press, former President Yun said, “If I can bet and stop it, I will bet even 100 times,” but the Blue House said, “The prosecution should respect the National Assembly and express opinions carefully in accordance with the established procedures.” In addition, he said, “The National Assembly will exercise legislative power by synthesizing public opinions on the reform of the prosecution.” It was interpreted to mean that the passport would not brake any attempts to install the heavy water office. In the passport, voices of criticism such as “Huan Muqi exceeded the threshold” (Rep. Min Hyung-bae) and “I don’t know how meaningful it is to have a luck” (Rep. Nam-guk Kim) came out.

Eventually, former President Yun expressed his gratitude at 2 pm on the 4th, saying, “The constitutional spirit and the legal system that have supported this country are being destroyed.” The Blue House announced that in 1 hour and 15 minutes, President Moon had accepted his appreciation. On the afternoon of the 5th, a day later, President Moon accepted the resignation of former President Yoon. The eight-year relationship between President Moon and former President Yoon ended like this.
