French teenage couple drowned in school girls and went to dinner

Seine river passing under the A15 motorway in France

picture explanationSeine river passing under the A15 motorway in France

Alicia, 14, found as a carcass in the Seine River, which runs through Paris, France, was confirmed to have died at the hands of a boy and his girlfriend, whom he had met for a short time.

French prosecutors held a press conference on the 10th (local time) to announce the results of an initial investigation into a male student (15) and a female student (15) from the same school arrested for murdering Alicia attending a vocational school in the outskirts of Paris. did.

The two are accused of calling Alicia to the river on the afternoon of the 8th, assaulting her face and head, and then throwing him into the river to die. After the crime, they changed their clothes with blood and had dinner in Paris.

Autopsy revealed that Alicia was drowned. The prosecution explained that when the two students threw Alicia into the river, consciousness remained and was being shed tears.

Before committing the crime, the two students had harassed Alicia by hacking into Alicia’s Snapchat account and distributing photos of Alicia wearing only underwear to other students, and for this, they were undergoing disciplinary procedures at school.

The three got to know each other while taking the same class last September. Alicia had met with a male student in Gangnam for about a week last month, and had a struggle with a girl in Gahae earlier this month, the prosecution said.

The prosecution filed for an arrest warrant on the charges of murder against the two perpetrators. Two minors can face up to 20 years in prison if found guilty in court.


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