“Free Navalni” 15,000 protesters

This is Alexei Navalni, a political opponent and opposition activist of Russian President Putin. After returning home after being treated for poison addiction in Germany, he was immediately detained. Massive protests to release Navalni took place across Russia.

Reporter Jeon Yeon-nam reported.


The police swing their clubs towards the protesters that fill the streets, arresting and dragging the protesters who resist violently.

On the afternoon of yesterday (23rd) local time, protests demanding the release of President Putin’s opponent and Navalni were held in more than 60 cities across Russia.

15,000 people participated in the protests in Moscow alone, the largest since the protests against the revision of the pension law in 2018.

The protesters also shouted out slogans such as’Russia will be free’ and’I am against lawlessness’.

[알렉산더/시위 참가자 : 저는 나발니뿐만 아니라 저 자신을 위해서, 그리고 저의 미래와 러시아의 자유로운 미래를 위해 이곳에 왔습니다.]

Eventually, more than 2,000 people, including Navalni’s wife who participated in the protests, were arrested on site.

Opposition activist Navalni was addicted to poison on an airplane last August and fell into a coma. After receiving treatment for five months in Germany, he returned home on the 17th.

However, Russian authorities have arrested and detained him at the airport.

Ahead of trial, Navalni is continuing anti-government activities by releasing a video claiming that the palace on the Black Sea coast is owned by President Putin.

Navalni release, protests in Moscow

With countries around the world calling for Navalni’s release, his supporters foreshadowed another massive rally next weekend.

(Video editing: Jung Yonghwa)
