Fragment of the Old Testament manuscript found in Israel’s “estimated 1900 years ago”


North Korea’s criticism speech that came out yesterday ahead of coming to Korea today (17th) by the heads of diplomacy and security of the United States. The extent to which discussions will take place in this visit with North Korea is paying attention, and in the midst of this, the UN’s position has also emerged. Connect to the press and find out.

Reporter Park Ji-yoon, UN Secretary-General’s remarks. You want to relieve tension?


On the 16th local time, at a regular UN briefing, there was a position on North Korea’s Labor Party Vice President Kim Yeo-jeong’s hard remarks.

UN spokesman Stefan Dujaric said, “The UN Secretary-General is hoping to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula and ease tensions.”

He said the tensions mentioned here include not only military tensions, but language tensions as well.

Secretary-General Antonius Guterchs has repeatedly expressed his stance that tensions on the Korean peninsula “I hope to be relieved by dialogue”.

In the midst of this stance, Dujarik added, “I hope that the major parties will find a diplomatic solution again.”


In other news, a fragment of a 1900-year-old manuscript of the Bible was found?


The Israeli Cultural Heritage Administration said it had found 20 pieces of parchment in a cave on the west side of the Dead Sea near Jerusalem on the 16th local time.

However, it is said that a part of the Old Testament is written in Greek on this piece.

The Cultural Heritage Administration used radioactive carbon to date.

It is estimated to be about 1900 years ago.

Old Testament documents are said to have been in good condition even after nearly 2000 years.

[올나블만/이스라엘 사해문서 발굴팀 고고학자 : 사해 서안지구 동굴에서 새로 발굴된 구약성서 문건들은 예전에 발견된 어떤 사해 문서보다 상태가 좋습니다. 그것이 이 문서의 중요성을 의미합니다.]

In addition, the excavation team found a basket, believed to have been made 10,000 years ago, and a child mummy, believed to have died 6,000 years ago.


Next, the World Health Organization’s WHO continues to postpone announcements about how the corona started.


A WHO spokesman held a video press briefing yesterday.

Spokesman Christian Lintmeier said, “The report on the origin of Corona 19 is not yet ready,” he said. “It is likely to come out next week.”

He did not explain clearly why the report was being delayed.

However, he said, “The investigation team is making a report with a counterpart on the Chinese side,” and “The more people are involved, the more people will have the right to speak.”

The WHO said that the Corona 19 Origins Report would be released in mid-February, but once more postponed it to around March 15th.
