Fourth variation found… “You have to live together forever”

Following the UK, South Africa and Japan, a new corona 19 mutant virus was confirmed this time in the US. There has also been a warning that 2021, when mutant viruses continue to appear everywhere, could be a tougher year than last year.

For more details, this is reporter Kim Young-ah.


There are two different strains of new mutant viruses found in the United States.

In particular, one of them had three new gene mutations that had never been discovered before.

In Columbus, the state’s capital city alone, 20 people have been confirmed to be infected with the mutant virus.

It means that it has already spread widely in the community.

The mutant, dubbed the’Columbus mutant’, has been shown to be more contagious than previous mutant viruses.

It is the fourth time that the Corona 19 mutant virus has been confirmed, after the UK, South Africa and Japan.

With the outbreak of mutant viruses in countries around the world, WHO decided to hold an emergency meeting to discuss countermeasures.

[마크 라이언/WHO 긴급대응팀장 : 최근 일어나고 있는 상황들과 바이러스 확산 상황을 감안하면 올해는 지난해보다 더 힘든 한 해가 될 것으로 보입니다.]

Along with the spread of the mutant virus, which has a fast infection rate, the number of cumulative corona19 cases in the world exceeded 92 million.

Stefan Bangsell, CEO of Modena Pharmaceuticals, said that Corona 19 will continue to mutate and become a kind of endemic disease that lives with humanity forever.

The vaccine alone cannot end COVID-19.

Meanwhile, concerns about the safety of the vaccine are growing in Florida, USA, as a doctor is reported to have died 16 days after receiving the Pfizer vaccine.

(Video editing: Jung Yonghwa)

▶ Corona vaccine side effects concern… Be careful with people like this
