Four years of threatening the alliance after the second impeachment … Still 43% of the US support Trump

President Donald Trump.[AP=연합뉴스]

President Donald Trump.[AP=연합뉴스]

“This is not America.”

Trump Four Years, Five Scenes

This is a lament issued by the European Union’s head of diplomacy, Josef Borrell, a high-ranking head of foreign and security policy, after the unprecedented incident of President Donald Trump’s fierce supporters invading the Washington DC Federal Assembly on the 6th (local time). He is also called the’textbook of democracy’ in the on-site video, and there was no image of the’world police’ of the United States, which created a consensus of the divided international community and intervened in disputes and conflicts. There was also a lot of ridicule and booing in the so-called’banana republic’, an underdeveloped country where political unrest continues.

Comments from media and politicians in the United States, looking back on President Trump’s four years in office, were also filled with words such as’disruption, delusion, and distrust’. “President Trump left the United States with the most sinister legacy of tribalism, mistrust, and sometimes delusional political culture,” said Peter Wener, who served as President George W. Bush’s speech aide.

President Trump, who was a real estate conglomerate and a politician who was elected after a sensation in the 2016 US presidential election, used an unfamiliar rule of thumb. Unlike other presidents who shouted for unity on the surface, they divided the people through anti-immigration policies within the past four years, and in the international community broke down the existing international order that they had established themselves with the US priority.

Eventually, he lost to Joe Biden in the last presidential election, and the four-year experiment ended in failure.

The end is not beautiful, but that doesn’t mean that Trump is consistently criticized by everyone. He received 74.2 million votes in the last presidential election, more than 10 million more than when he was elected four years ago. He is the winner of the most votes ever. According to NBC News, President Trump’s approval rating reached 43% despite a congressional intrusion earlier this month. This is not much different from 44% in the first year of inauguration (2017). This is why it is said that even if Trump leaves, so-called “trumpism” will remain.

The Trump lesson was organized into iconic scenes that took place during the four years of his tenure.

①’World Fighting Chicken’ Trump… “No US World Police”

7 Major (G7) Conference held in Charlevois, Quebec, Canada on June 9, 2018 (local time).  It was a meeting to resolve trade issues such as high tariffs in the US, but President Trump refused to draw a joint statement and left for Singapore.  It is to go to meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

7 Major (G7) Conference held in Charlevois, Quebec, Canada on June 9, 2018 (local time). It was a meeting to resolve trade issues such as high tariffs in the US, but President Trump refused to draw a joint statement and left for Singapore. It is to go to meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

7 Major (G7) Conference held in Charlevois, Quebec, Canada on June 9, 2018 (local time). President Trump, with arms closed and closed, sits alone, and German Chancellor Angela Merkel leans toward him. French President Emmanuel Macron, who raised his eyebrows as if he was frustrated, and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who watched a distant mountain, clearly showed international politics in the’Trump era’ chaos.

At the time, President Trump imposed high tariffs on traditional allies, the European Union (EU) and Canadian steel and aluminum, and they were confronting the United States with a proposal to sue the World Trade Organization (WTO). The G7 gathered to find a solution, but President Trump rejected the joint statement and left for Singapore. This was to attend the North Korean-US summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, which was held for the first time in history on June 12 of the same year.

President Trump’s foreign policy was a series of “overturn and destruction” of the US-centered world order after World War II in 1945. It shaken the WTO (whole body GATT) system, which is a symbol of free trade, and rejected the multilateral system including the United Nations (UN) on the grounds of favor and disadvantage. Representatives include withdrawal from the Paris Climate Change Convention in June 2017, withdrawal from the Iran Nuclear Agreement (JCPOA) in May 2018, and withdrawal from the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC). Human rights and democracy have been values ​​that the United States has spread all over the world.

President Trump said, “The United States will not be the world’s police officer. I won’t do it anymore” (December 2018), and pressured allies to eliminate trade surpluses and pay for the cost of US troops. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO, NATO) allies were asked to adjust their defense budget to 2% of gross domestic product (GDP), and South Korea was also asked to raise its defense cost share significantly. Accordingly, in July of last year, it announced that it would withdraw some of the US troops from Germany.

Graphic = Reporter Kim Kyung-jin

Graphic = Reporter Kim Kyung-jin [email protected]

Last year, the fourth year in office, the corona 19 pandemic was added to further strengthen the anti-China route. The conflict between the US and China, which began by demanding that China’s trade surplus be lowered, gradually spread to the system conflict. It introduced sanctions and pressured allies to drive Chinese company Huawei out of the 5th generation mobile communications (5G) market. As the epidemic intensified, the Trump administration blamed pro-friendship and declared that it would withdraw from the World Health Organization (WHO).

② The Mexican wall and two impeachment

The domestic politics that President Donald Trump devoted the most was the anti-immigration policy.  Immediately after taking office on January 20, 2017, he abolished Obama Care through'Administrative Order No. 1', and one week later, he issued executive orders such as prohibition of entry into the United States by Muslim countries and expulsion of illegal immigrants.  Pictured here is President Trump's visit to California's new Mexican barrier section in April 2019. [AP=연합뉴스]

The domestic politics that President Donald Trump devoted the most was the anti-immigration policy. Immediately after taking office on January 20, 2017, he abolished Obama Care through’Administrative Order No. 1′, and one week later, he issued executive orders such as prohibition of entry into the United States by Muslim countries and expulsion of illegal immigrants. Pictured here is President Trump’s visit to California’s new Mexican barrier section in April 2019. [AP=연합뉴스]

President Trump issued an anti-immigration executive order in the first month of his inauguration. In the past, he was controversial by referring to illegal immigrants in Mexico as “rapists” and “drug smugglers” and set up a “Mexican barrier” to prevent illegal entry. Citizens of five Islamic countries, including Syria and Yemen, were banned from entering the United States. After taking office, Biden announced that he would be the first to reverse such immigration hostilities.

His racist words and policies eventually exploded with the death of African-American George Floyd in May last year. ‘Black life is also important (BLM)’ protests and counter-protests spread like wildfires, which surfaced the problem of black and white, a long-standing detonator of American society. The Associated Press pointed out that President Trump was responsible for deepening racism deeply rooted in American history.

President Trump has been criticized throughout his tenure for disrupting the US constitutional order and judicial system. There was also a disgrace for being the first US president to have an impeachment bill resolved in the US House of Representatives twice.

In the first year of his tenure, a special prosecutor was put into operation after a case of interfering with the Russian presidential election intervention occurred, but special prosecutor Robert Mueller did not prosecute President Trump. However, he said, “The President has not sufficiently proven his innocence.” The U.S. House of Representatives thus voted for the first impeachment bill against President Trump in December 2019. The impeachment bill was rejected the following year in the Republican dominant Senate.

Instead, President Trump freed former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, an aide pending trial in the case, with pardon.

On the 13th (local time), a second impeachment bill was passed on charges of inciting the intrusion of the parliament earlier this month (inciting a civil war). Foreign media reported that President Trump was also considering a’self-pardon’ to avoid his punishment.

President Trump is also criticized for setting a bad precedent for the US administration and political system. He expelled several ministers, including Secretary of Defense James Mathis, who were saying the right thing to him. There was a lot of one-way notification through Twitter. In 2019, new sanctions against North Korea announced by the Ministry of Finance were overturned with a single tweet, causing policy confusion. Furthermore, it brought about the division of the Republican Party. As the president led the conspiracy theory and objection lawsuits for the presidential election, senator Ted Cruz and other loyalists in the party joined in.

③ Still, 74.2 million were trumped

On January 6 this year (local time), protesters in support of US President Donald Trump broke into the Washington Capitol and occupied the conference hall.  The photo shows the protesters who occupied Rotunda Hall of the Capitol. [EPA=연합뉴스]

On January 6 this year (local time), protesters in support of US President Donald Trump broke into the Washington Capitol and occupied the conference hall. The photo shows the protesters who occupied Rotunda Hall of the Capitol. [EPA=연합뉴스]

Although President Trump is talkative and talkative, his marrow supporters still support him. Although the last president-elect Biden was elected with the most votes ever, it is worth noting that President Trump also won 74.2 million votes, domestic and foreign experts point out. According to the Associated Press, 46.9% of registered voters supported President Trump. This is the background of the prospect that Trump will not disappear even if he goes.

Curenan, a group of polar supporters and conspiracy theories who committed the parliamentary raid, was led by conservative white men. Some analysts say that the support of Trump is that white people’s antipathy for the increasing number of ethnic minorities, including Hispanic and African descent due to the US demographic structure, and the increasing voices of the US population was revealed as votes.

Graphic = Kim Hyun-seo

Graphic = Kim Hyun-seo [email protected]

It may have also had an impact that objective economic indicators were not bad during Trump’s tenure. The BBC analyzed six economic indicators, including the economic growth rate (GDP) during Trump’s tenure in November last year, and it was found that President Trump recorded a solid growth rate of 2.5% per year on average until the third year of his tenure.

The unemployment rate reached the lowest level in 50 years at 3.5% in February of last year, and the poverty rate continued to decline until 2019. The US New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) Dow Jones 30 Industrial Average has been struggling day after day after reaching a record high (3,409.56) at the end of last year. The BBC said, however, that the unemployment rate rose sharply to 14.7% in April of last year, when the corona19 spread, and then fell to the 7% level.

However, with these results, President Trump’s opinions are divided on whether the economic policy has worked. Economic magazine Forbes pointed out on the 14th (local time) that “the US trade deficit for three years out of the four years of President Trump’s four-year tenure to resolve the trade deficit was the highest ever, exceeding $800 billion.”

④ North American dialogue, will we take over the biden of the Abrahamic Agreement?

President Donald Trump (left) and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un had a surprise meeting at Panmunjom on June 30, 2019.  It was a meeting that took place after the breakdown of the 2nd Hanoi-North Korea summit, when there was no progress in dialogue.  It was concluded with a ``tweet proposal'' by President Trump, who was on a tour of Japan and Korea for the G20 meeting in Osaka, Japan. [AP=연합뉴스]

President Donald Trump (left) and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un had a surprise meeting at Panmunjom on June 30, 2019. It was a meeting that took place after the breakdown of the 2nd Hanoi-North Korea summit, when there was no progress in dialogue. It was concluded with a “tweet proposal” by President Trump, who was on a tour of Japan and Korea for the G20 meeting in Osaka, Japan. [AP=연합뉴스]

In foreign policy, there were several attempts made possible because President Trump did not follow the existing diplomatic grammar. Representatively, he met North Korea’s Chairman Kim Jong-un in person and attempted to resolve the North Korean nuclear program. President Trump tried to discuss with Chairman Kim three times in June 2018 (Singapore), February 2019 (Hanoi, Vietnam), and June 2019 (Panmunjeom).

Of course, there are criticisms that the outcome of the North Korea-U.S. summit has been regressed from the past six-party talks, and that the US President gave a political victory to North Korea by meeting Kim directly. Nevertheless, it is evaluated that it is meaningful that the previous government tried to solve the North Korean nuclear issue virtually neglected in the name of so-called’strategic patience’ through a compromise between the leaders.

Likewise, there is an evaluation that the complicated Middle East issue was also’traffic cleared’ in the Trump style. Regarding the normalization of relations between Arab countries such as Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) (also known as the Abraham Agreement), Biden also expressed its stance that he welcomed Biden. The Northeast Asian collective security system Quad (USA, Japan, India, Australia) Plus initiative is also expected to be succeeded by the Biden government in some way.

Reporter Lee Yoo-jung [email protected]
