Four representative industrial complexes in Jeonbuk including Gunsan transformed into a future mobility base

Four industrial complexes in the province, centered on the Gunsan National Industrial Complex in Jeollabuk-do, will be created as an international base for future commercial mobility that revitalizes the economy and creates jobs.

According to the province on the 24th, the government’s Competitiveness Enhancement Committee for aged industrial complexes announced the target areas for large-scale operations in five industrial complexes nationwide, including Jeonbuk.

In accordance with the’Industrial Complex Expansion Plan’ announced in November 2019, the industrial complex large-division project is a policy to create local jobs that is intensively supported by eight government ministries including the Ministry of Industry to make industrial complexes, the backbone of the domestic manufacturing industry, a regional industrial innovation base. . Last year, five areas were selected as the first large-scale industrial complex areas, including Gumi, Gyeongbuk, Cheomdan Gwangju, Seongseo, Daegu, Southeast Incheon, and Yeosu, Jeollanam-do.

The industrial complex large-scale project applied by Jeonbuk aims to become an international base for the future commercial mobility industry, centering on major industrial complexes in Gunsan, Iksan, and Wanju.

Gunsan Industrial Complex will become a base industrial complex as a commercial mobility production base, Iksan 2nd General Industrial Complex will be a base for supplying root and parts materials, Wanju Science Industrial Complex will be a hydrogen (electricity) power parts supply base, and Saemangeum Industrial Complex will be specialized as a future commercial mobility demonstration base. It is a prospect.

These industrial complexes have been selected for their roles three times in consideration of demand surveys, regional contributions, industry-academia-research integration, and interconnectedness for integrated development.

In order to establish an effective innovation plan, the province formed a task force in charge of responding to large-scale industrial groups and a regional advisory group, followed by several working-level meetings to derive core tasks. It was also highly evaluated for actively reflecting the results of the survey for large-scale consumer-centered groups.

The province is planning to leap to Jeollabuk-do as an’international base for future commercial mobility’ through the large-scale business of these industrial complexes, which currently account for 94% of the domestic medium and large commercial vehicle production, 21% of the shipments of the manufacturing industry in the province, and 19% of the workers.

To achieve this goal, Doo plans to invest 494.5 billion won in 39 projects by 2024 to reorganize the industrial structure of 110 companies and promote 160 technological innovations.

Through this, it is predicted that there will be an economic effect such as 10,000 job creation, 1.6 trillion won in emissions, and 8 percentage points increase in youth employment.

Jeonbuk Governor Song Ha-jin said, “Jeonbuk has become the center of the commercial mobility industry with the selection of the target area for large-scale industrial complexes,” and emphasized, “It will play a big role in regional development through the growth of not only the automobile industry but also related companies.”

Kim Jong-gu reporter

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