‘Four rehearsals’…At a press conference on the 18th, President Wen pays attention to mentioning’a pardon and real estate

Input 2021.01.17 18:06 | Revision 2021.01.17 19:40

President Moon Jae-in’s New Year’s press conference
100 minutes discussion starting from 10 am on the 18th
Online/offline without’script’

President Moon Jae-in will hold a press conference for the fourth New Year after taking office on the 18th. President Moon is expected to present his position on issues such as the direction of state administration for the fifth year in power, the plan to recover the economy of Corona 19, the amnesty of former Presidents Lee Myung-bak and Park Geun-hye, and real estate.

President Moon Jae-in is giving a New Year’s address at the Blue House on January 11th./Yonhap News

The press conference for President Moon’s New Year will be held for 100 minutes from 10 am on the 18th, and will be held in the form of exchanging questions and answers with reporters on the fields of quarantine, society, politics, economy, diplomacy, and security. Due to the social distancing caused by Corona 19, only 20 reporters attend the scene, and the remaining 100 reporters participate by video.

The press conference is conducted in the form of exchanging questions and answers on the spot without collecting questions from reporters in advance. Accordingly, it is reported that the staff summarized the expected questions and answers and reported them to President Moon.

For the first time ever, the Blue House conducts online and offline press conferences simultaneously, so it is making every effort to prepare by proceeding only four rehearsals. This is to minimize broadcast accidents that can be caused by errors in video, sound, and Internet access systems.

In politics, it is highly likely that President Moon will raise questions about the issue of special pardons for former Presidents Lee Myung-bak and Park Geun-hye and the real estate issue, which is considered the main cause of the decline in approval ratings. Interest is focused on how President Moon will respond to this issue. Earlier, in his New Year’s address, President Moon apologized for the real estate problem, saying, “I am very sorry to the people who are disheartened by the difficulties of housing.” The issue of special pardon was not mentioned.

It is noteworthy what position President Moon will make regarding the disciplinary action of Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol and the follow-up measures to reform power institutions such as the prosecution. In addition, questions will be focused on how to recover the economy stagnated by Corona 19 and how to advance the peace process on the Korean Peninsula.

On the 17th, a day before President Moon Jae-in’s New Year’s press conference, Cheong Wa Dae officials and reporters are rehearsing at a press conference at Chunchu Hall of the Blue House.
