Four families of confirmed patients who do not know the route of infection in Muan-seo, Jeollanam-do

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Four families of confirmed patients who do not know the route of infection in Muan-seo, Jeollanam-do

Jeonnam 797 family

(Muan = News 1) Reporter Danbi Heo |
2021-02-18 08:17 sent | 2021-02-18 08:54 Last updated

A mobile screening clinic in operation in Muan-gun, Jeollanam-do, where a confirmed corona19 occurred. (Provided by Muan-gun) 2021.2.16/News1 © News1

In Jeonnam, families of confirmed patients whose path of infection has not been confirmed have been confirmed with a novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19).

According to Jeonnam-do on the 18th, four military citizens living in Muan, Jeollanam-do (No. 801-804, Jeollanam-do) were confirmed as Corona 19.

These are the families of the 797 confirmed, Jeollanam-do 801 as spouse, 802 and 803 children, and 804 as mother-in-law.

It is known that the family of Jeonnam 797 and his mother-in-law lived close to each other and made frequent travels. However, health authorities are investigating whether they met during Lunar New Year holidays.

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