Found after 172 years of’mysterious bird’ that disappeared on the island of Borneo

Only one black-browed babbler bird stuffed (left) and was discovered last October (Photo = Twitter @CrazyBirdGuy14, Yonhap News)

▲ Only one stuffed animal (left) and its appearance in October last year

After only one specimen was found on the island of Borneo in 1848, the’mysterious bird’, which had disappeared, was discovered again in 172 years.

According to the AFP and the Guardian on the 26th, in the latest issue of the bird magazine’Birding ASIA’, two locals found a’Black-browed babbler’ bird in Kalimantan, southern Indonesian island of Borneo last October The thesis was published.

This bird is native to Borneo and is called the’mysterious bird’ with brown and gray feathers.

This bird is known to have been named’Black-browed babbler’ by Biologist Charles Lucien Bonaparte, Napoleon’s nephew, after being discovered on the island of Borneo in the 1840s.

There was only one specimen, and since it has never been found in the wild again, it has been considered the’biggest puzzle of Indonesian ornithology’.

Found in Kalimantan, southern Borneo in October last year.

In October last year, two locals, Muhammad Suranto and Muhammad Rizuki Pauzan, living in southern Kalimantan, accidentally caught the bird, took a picture, and sent it away.

They passed the photo to a bird watching group and found out that they had discovered a’mysterious bird’.

“I just thought I had discovered a bird I hadn’t seen well before,” Muhamat said. “It feels surreal to find a bird that was supposed to be extinct.”

“This discovery has ended more than 100 years of chaos,” said Pandan Gusti Akbar of the Indonesian ornithological group Birdpacker. “We now know that this bird lives in southeastern Borneo and what it looks like.” And enjoyed it.

Indonesia, which is made up of 17,000 islands, has more than 1700 species of birds, and some birds have not yet been studied.

(Photo = Twitter @CrazyBirdGuy14, Yonhap News)
