Former US Treasury Director Launches Bitcoin Real Currency

Former US Treasury Director Launches Bitcoin Real Currency

Former U.S. Treasury Director, “Combining digital assets with real asset reliability”
Former Swiss Franc Designer ˙US Mint Director and others joined

Former U.S. Treasury Director Larry Felix and cryptocurrency pioneer Peter Vessenes joined forces to develop Bitcoin paper currency.

March 9, 2021 (local time) Larry Felix, former director of the Treasury Department (BEP) and Peter Becenes, chairman of the founding director of the Bitcoin Foundation, will be working on a project to make Bitcoin bills through a joint venture’Northworthy’ today. Revealed.

Felix will oversee the design, development and release of the banknote. “Real asset banknotes provide a level of trust, familiarity and accessibility that we haven’t yet achieved in digital assets themselves. “We look forward to working with the project team to create easy-to-use and counterfeit bills.”

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The bitcoin bills they will issue will be made taking into account both the utility and security of the blockchain industry. Felix said, “People will be able to use the Bitcoin bills issued by this project through a mobile app.”

Particular attention was paid to the project, with Swiss Franc designer Manuela Pfrunder, 2016 IBNS Banknote of the Year winner, as chief design officer, and Edmund Moy, the 38th U.S. Mint Director, as advisor. It is that they recruited. After forming the design team, he also partnered with paper money printmaker Thomas Hipschen to discuss the composition of the portrait of the paper money.

“I think bitcoin hired the best banknote team in the world,” said Peter Becenes. “When I started working for bitcoins, each bitcoin was worth only $0.0005, but today it is worth $50,000 . “It is encouraging that Larry, Manuela and Thomas can bring Coins back to the real world.”

Meanwhile, Notewash is a company co-founded by Peter Becenes and Larry Felix in 2020. They are expanding their business with the aim of integrating the traditional and familiar elements of paper currency with the modernity of digital assets without affecting the reliability and security of digital assets.

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