Former STX Chairman Kang Duck-soo of’embezzlement/disapproval’ confirmed probation in Supreme Law…”Conspiracy with CFO cannot be proven”

Input 2021.01.08 06:00

The probation of execution of former STX Group Chairman Kang Deok-soo, who has been tried for corporate crimes such as embezzlement and negation, has been confirmed.

According to the court on the 8th, the second part of the Supreme Court (Chief Judge Sang-Hwan Kim) confirmed the lower court of probation and dismissed the appeal by imposing a probation on Chairman Kang Jeon, who was accused of violating the law (embezzlement) regarding aggravated punishment for specific economic crimes.

Kang Duk-soo, former chairman of STX Group. /yunhap news

Chairman Kang Jeon was charged with fraudulent loans worth 2.6 trillion won and fraudulent issuance of corporate bonds with false financial statements made through fraudulent accounting, such as inflating STX Offshore & Shipbuilding operating profit of 2.3 trillion won from 2008 to 2012. Arrested.

Earlier, the first trial admitted guilty of 585.1 billion won to former chairman Kang’s charge of accounting for a range of 2.30 trillion won, and sentenced him to six years in prison.

However, the Appeals Tribunal judged that the charges of conspiring with Mr. Kim Mo, former chairman of STX Offshore & Shipbuilding, were not admitted by the former chairman Kang, who was the chief financial officer of STX Offshore & Shipbuilding.

The prosecution believed that STX Offshore & Shipbuilding was aggressive in foreign currency hedging from 2007, but attempted to cover the large losses due to the global financial crisis in 2008. I judged that I did not receive it.

As a result, the court of appeals court sentenced Kang to three years in prison and four years probation, and Kang was released. Afterwards, both the prosecution and former chairman Kang appealed, and the case came to the Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court saw that there was no problem with the court of appeals court. The Supreme Court said, “Regarding the fiscal year 2008-2012 settlement of STX Offshore & Shipbuilding, it is reasonable to have a reasonable suspicion that the CFO could have done the accounting alone to conceal the loss of currency hedging, rather than a conspiracy by former Chairman Kang with Mr. Kim Mo, who was CFO.” And judged the related charges as innocent. It is difficult to say that the allegations of collusion between Chairman Kang and CFO have been sufficiently proven.

However, the parts that were convicted in the appeal trial were confirmed as they were. The Supreme Court is also guilty of allegations of inflicting property damage to STX Heavy Industries by having STX Heavy Industries purchase STX Construction Corporate Bonds (CP), of paying the construction advance payment most to support STX Construction, and unfair support to STX POSTECH. Judged as.
