Former STX Chairman Kang Deok-soo confirmed probation

Former STX Group Chairman Kang Deok-soo is eating tofu while walking out of the Seoul Central District Court in Seocho-gu, Seoul on October 14, 2015 after receiving a probation at the appeal court. 2015.10.14/News1 © News1 Byun Ji-eun, intern reporter

Former STX Group Chairman Kang Deok-soo (71), who was handed over to trial on charges of negligence, embezzlement and fraudulent accounting of hundreds of billions of dollars, has been suspended from prison sentences.

The second part of the Supreme Court (Presiding Judge Kim Sang-hwan) announced on the 8th that it has confirmed the court case of sentenced to three years in prison and four years probation for former Chairman Kang, who was charged with violating the law on aggravated punishment for specific economic crimes.

Former Vice Chairman Hong Mo, who was indicted with him, was imprisoned for 2 years and 6 months with 3 years probation, STX Group CFO before transformation was imprisoned for 2 years and 6 months in imprisonment for 4 years, and former STX Offshore & Shipbuilding CFO Kim Mo was imprisoned for 2 years and 3 years probation This has been confirmed. Former Minister of Commerce, Industry and Energy Lee Hee-beom, former chairman of STX Heavy Industries, has been acquitted.

Chairman Kang was arrested on charges of inflating the operating profits of STX Offshore & Shipbuilding in 2008-2012, including fraudulent accounting of 2.3 trillion won, fraudulent loans using false financial statements, and embezzlement of company funds of 55.7 billion won. .

Earlier, the first trial judged guilty of 6,750 million won worth of the charges of embezzlement and appointment of former Chairman Kang, and sentenced him to six years in prison after acknowledging the charges of accounting for 584.1 billion won.

Former Vice Chairman Hong, who was also prosecuted, was sentenced to three years in prison, and STX Group CFO Byeon was sentenced to two years and six months in prison and four years probation. However, Lee, former chairman of STX Heavy Industries, was acquitted.

The second trial reported that the accounting of snacks at the time was made at the judgment of the working-level staff without specific instructions from Chairman Kang, and greatly reduced his sentence and sentenced Chairman Kang to three years in prison and four years probation.

The judge said, “The circumstances that were not revealed during the prosecution’s investigation process or the first trial trial were newly revealed during the appeal trial process.” It was premised that the indictment was changed by adding’thing’.

“The financial officer, Mr. Kim, insisted that he reported all these details to the former chairman of Kang, but he had never reported on the main part. He was afraid of the penalties that would come back when he reported all the failures in accounting operation and foreign exchange management. It should be considered that the accounting for snacks has been made because it was not done.”

However, unlike the first trial in which Chairman Kang was innocent for the alleged damage to the group by paying excessive advance payments after signing a construction contract with STX Construction, an affiliate, “If you signed a contract with another construction company, you can do this. I wondered if it would be,” he thought guilty.

Former Vice Chairman Hong was sentenced to 3 years probation in 2 years and 6 months of imprisonment after breaking the court sentence of 3 years imprisonment. CFO Byeon was sentenced to 4 years probation in 2 years and 6 months of imprisonment, and former CFO Kim also He was sentenced to two years in prison and three years probation. Former Minister Lee was acquitted.

Chairman Kang and the prosecution both appealed, but the Supreme Court dismissed all appeals and confirmed the judgment, saying that there was no mistake in misunderstanding the law in the judgment of the court below.

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