Former secretary chief Kim Myung-soo is also leaving… 12 high-ranking judges resigned

It is known that more than 10 high-ranking judges, including the incumbent court chief, have expressed their appreciation ahead of regular court greetings next month. As more and more elite judges leave the court, some say that “the court has become a shipwreck.”

Senior judge resignation, double last year

Supreme Court Chief Kim Myung-soo. [사진공동취재단]

Supreme Court Chief Kim Myung-soo. [사진공동취재단]

According to the JoongAng Ilbo coverage on the 5th, 12 high-ranking judges recently expressed their appreciation, including a judge who gave up his retirement last year. Of these, four are the chief of courts located in the metropolitan and regional areas, including Suwon High Court Chief Kim Joo-hyun. A court chief, who recently said he had expressed his gratitude, said in a call with the JoongAng Ilbo, “I have been in the court for too long, I thought it was time to leave.”

The six heads of the high court also said they expressed their appreciation this year. Hwan-soo Kim, Pil-gon Kim, Bum-gyun Lee, Dong-geun Lee, Chief Judge of Seoul High Court, and Chief Judge Kang Gyeong-gu of Suwon High Law. Vice-President Judge Kim Hwan-soo served as Chief Secretary of Supreme Court Chief Kim Myung-soo from February 2018 to February 2019. In addition, Senior Judges Lim Seong-geun and Lee Min-geol, who are being tried for trial after being involved in the abuse of judicial administration as former Supreme Court Chief Yang Seung-tae, will retire next month after giving up the reassignment of judges in October last year. They are currently excluded from the trial work.

Regarding this, a high court chief judge said, “It is a dangerous signal for even the person who was guarding the Supreme Court to go out of the court.” I have.” He added, “It is exactly what the court has been put on a shipwreck.”

“A court with a sense of helplessness…it’s not attractive for a long time”

It is unusual for 12 high-ranking judges to leave the court at the same time. At this time of last year, the court chief and five high law judges took off their legal uniforms. Regarding this, there is an analysis inside the court that “the attractiveness of senior judges has disappeared enough to remain in the court for a long time.”

A high court deputy judge said, “It is true that the human resources authority that the court chief has exercised has virtually disappeared and there is not much that can be done in practice, so there is a deep sense of helplessness among court chiefs.” Another chief judge said, “Because I became an elder judge, it would be burdensome and noticeable to continue the trial work with other junior chief judges.”

Did the’Progressive Supreme Court’ have an effect?

A view of the Supreme Court.  yunhap news

A view of the Supreme Court. yunhap news

There is an analysis that one reason is that the Supreme Court Justice, which is called the judge’s’last promotion course’, is filled with progressive judges under the current regime. This is because 6 out of 13 Supreme Court Chiefs and Supreme Court Justices are from the Progressive Korean Law Research Association and attorneys for democratic society (Minbyun). One deputy judge said, “How many of the chief judges in the high court can become the Supreme Court right now?” “No matter how hard you work, you can’t even be a Supreme Court Justice, so it’s better to just resign. I think it’s a choice.”

There are also concerns about the massive resignation of elite judges with long experience. An incumbent judge said, “If all of the elite judges go to the lawyer’s market, the quality of the trial may be degraded, and the issue of courtesy courtesy may be severe.”

Reporter Dr. Ra [email protected]
